Guild Name: Ruslan's Raiders
Guild Leaders: Ruslanchik, Monkis
Guild Contact: anyone named Ruslan in some form (i.e. Ruslanorc, Ruslanya, etc.)
Guild Website: None
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Active Guild Size: 45 accounts with 20 over a month old
Guild Type: No restrictions
Guild Peak Time Zones: International with a U.S. East Coast bias
Raids per Week: nothing formal
Raid Loot System: You've got to be kidding...who does that?
Description: This is a growing guild for all ages, although we are mostly adults. Our membership has a strong international flavor with a U.S. East Coast bias. Guild has continuity and is ensured to be around for a while. The guild has a nice fully outfitted ship and places no demands on our members other than to be decent to each other.