Hi and welcome to a summary of my characters just started 4th life. I just TR'd today (2/13/2013), here is the build plan:

Dystopia TR3 (18 Pally, 2 Monk)
STR: 16 +6 Level Ups (+3 tome)
DEX: 8 (+3 tome)
CON: 18 (+3 tome)
INT: 14 (+4 tome)
WIS: 6 (+3 tome)
CHA: 14 (+4 tome)

Past Lives (1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Monk)
1 - Mithral Body
1(M) - Power Attack
3 - Cleave
6 - Great Cleave
8(M) - Toughness
9 - Improved Critical Slashing
12 - Two Handed Fighting
15 - Improved Two Handed Fighting
18 - Greater Two Handed Fighting
21 - Overwhelming Critical
24 - Improved Sunder

Skills (89 pally 31 monk):
23 Balance (11 pts monk) (24* pts pally)
4 Jump (4 pts monk)
6 Spot (4 pts monk) (4* pts pally)
1 Tumble (1 pt monk)
23 Concentration (4 pts monk) (19 pts pally)
4 Swim (4 pts monk)
11 UMD (3* pts monk) (19* pts pally)
23 Intimidate (23 pts pally)

Gear (*Will gather (or complete) during this life):
Purple Dragon Knight helm and gloves
Draconic Ring w/ 20% healing amp
*Epic Ring of the Stalker (tier 3) w/ +7 dex slotted
Stone Heart (+8 CHA *w/ set bonus)
Greensteel Bracers, (+45 HP, +6 Dex Skills, Blurry, Displacement clicky)
Torc / *Draconic Necklace [Bastion of Power] (depending on aggro management & need for SP), Torc default
Boots of the Woodsman
*Epic Spare Hand (tier 3) w/ Heavy fort and +1 exceptional CHA
Upgraded Litany of the Dead / Treasure Hunters Spyglass *w/ good luck +2 slotted
*Cloak of the Wolf (L24) / *Cloak of the Bear (L24) (depending on aggro management)
Cleansed Greensteel Goggles (+150 SP, +5 CHA skills, Blindness immunity, +6 WIS, Con Opp)

Notable Weapons:
Sword of Shadow (non-epic)
Tier 1 (level 16) Cold Iron Alchemical Falchion (martial earth)
Lit 2 Falacion (useful against neutral mob version)
Breach, The Dividing Blade
*Triple positive maul

Paladin Extra Turning III - 6
Paladin Improved Turning III - 6
Bladesworn Transformation - 6
Paladin Hunter of the Dead III - 8
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II - 3
Subtotal 1, PRE minimum - 27

Warforged Healers Friend III - 6
Warforged Power Attack III - 6
Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude III - 6
Racial Toughness I - 1
Paladin Toughness I - 1
Paladin Divine Might III - 6
Paladin Divine Righteousness - 1
Paladin Extra Smite Evil IV - 10
Paladin Exalted Smite IV - 10
Subtotal 2 - 74

Optional for remaining 6 points:
Racial Toughness II - 2
Paladin Toughness II - 2
Warforged Constitution I - 2
Paladin Charisma I - 2
Paladin Charisma II - 4

As you can see from above, the build will be focused on burst dps (pursuing exalted smite 4, along with divine might 3), while having evasion, high con/reflex, and mithril body for passable damage mitigation. Additionally, with Hunter of the Dead 3 and Warforged Healers Friend 3, healing amp should be pretty good for a WF. The gear layout could probably use some tweaking, although I am hesitant to add in anything that isn't easy to get (e.g. shroud/challenge gear is ok, while eSOS is more of a pipe dream at this point). I certainly wasn't going to count on getting a Litany, but did get lucky recently so I now have it in here.

I do plan on doing some tanking on easier raids using hate and/or intimidate (up to eH LOB, hard TOD, etc.), although I do realize I won't have quite the staying power that a true S&B + heavy armor tank would bring to the table. I am hopeful that high saves and decent tanking, coupled with evasion, can open the door for this character to do some worthwhile things once I get to level 8 and through to endgame epic elites.

Anyways, feedback or suggestions are appreciated. Do note that I will be sticking with the listed race and class breakdown, so although I'm sure there are opinions on if this is even a good foundation for an endgame viable character, I would encourage any suggestions to focus on working within this race/class framework.