Returning player after 2 years. lots of new stuff, And I think my first forum post! I'd like to play it all again from the beginning, so I'm going to TR. I'm F2P with purchased content.
Will have +1 and +2 tomes lined up, can only confirm a single +3 from cake, I may have some in storage. Since I've never played the class, unsure of endgame spell/feat choices. Would like to use GS, and be able to raid & solo.
Just recently unlocked FvS and want to enjoy it. Don't have monk or WFG. Though I may consider purchasing. I've got Lit2 Bow, Min2 GS. Lots of named loots, still aiming for a SoS though I should already have one... (was the girl's first raid, she didn't know how to trade, I won the d100 roll, she looted it and said, OK who do I give it to? I know people have swore a GM could help, they didn't help me. Could have been because my premium status was expired.)
Anyone have a suggested build or custom I should start tinkering with? Toon will have past lives as Ranger and Fighter.