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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Angry Updated in Jan.....Massive lag ..unplayable

    B4 some update late January i could run the game on Very high and all the grapics turned up laggless, it was great.. Now ever sence that update, i cant move for 5 secconds without getting 15 of lag, in town or soloing in a dungon, reinstalled Direct X, Downloaded lowerres version of game and also turned all the grapics off/low and sound off and im still getting that move for 5 sec 15 of lag the game has became un-playable Any help is apperchated.

  2. #2
    Community Member gerardIII's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    In shroud part 5 today in a full group. Just after everyone gets resurrected I got hit my massive graphic lag. CTRL+F showed 0.0 fps for 10 mins. I couldn't do anything, just hear bits of combat sound. The lag ended only when all the other players in the group had left. Then I was able to loot my chests. Meanwhile, my system was doing fine: 30% CPU usage, 70% RAM usage, I even started watching a TV show and browsing the internet waiting for the lag to end.

    It was the first time this happened in almost 4 years.

  3. #3
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by whyyme View Post
    B4 some update late January i could run the game on Very high and all the grapics turned up laggless, it was great.. Now ever sence that update, i cant move for 5 secconds without getting 15 of lag, in town or soloing in a dungon, reinstalled Direct X, Downloaded lowerres version of game and also turned all the grapics off/low and sound off and im still getting that move for 5 sec 15 of lag the game has became un-playable Any help is apperchated.
    Doesn't sound like a graphics issue to me, sounds more like a network/connectivity issue.

    Try tweaking your firewall settings , rebooting your router try connecting in a different manner. Ie if using the network port on your mobo try adding a new network card , if doing wifi maybe try a secondary source like a PCMCIA wifi card or a USB wifi.

    My bro-in-law had the same kind Of issue crop up about mid January but his son plays so we could rule out the machine itself. Turned out to be Comcast wire issue.
    His tv was fine and seemed like everything else was fine but DDO had major issues like you described above.

    I'm not saying that is what your issue is, just saying it is eerily similar.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010

    Default thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    Doesn't sound like a graphics issue to me, sounds more like a network/connectivity issue.

    Try tweaking your firewall settings , rebooting your router try connecting in a different manner. Ie if using the network port on your mobo try adding a new network card , if doing wifi maybe try a secondary source like a PCMCIA wifi card or a USB wifi.

    My bro-in-law had the same kind Of issue crop up about mid January but his son plays so we could rule out the machine itself. Turned out to be Comcast wire issue.
    His tv was fine and seemed like everything else was fine but DDO had major issues like you described above.

    I'm not saying that is what your issue is, just saying it is eerily similar.
    Ill check into the firewall, my internet connection is rock solid, this is the only game i have trobbles with
    Results form Speed test in the link

    thanks for a reply

  5. #5
    Community Member griffin_230's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Try powercycling your router and use cable (if you're currently using wireless).

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