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  1. #1
    Community Member Sirgleno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Unbreaking MyDDO?

    I have my main characters set to public via MyDDO, although because they are somehow bugged, they can not be viewed through MyDDO (either ingame or in a browser). Perhaps related to this, I am unable to view other characters through the ingame MyDDO interface (though I can when I log out and use a browser based MyDDO - however, due to the unusually slow process of tabbing out with DDO, this isn't really a good option).

    This creates 2 problems:
    1. I can not check players out before considering them for a group. Note that I accept just about anyone 99.9% of the time, but if I'm leading an EE or something (which I usually don't, but it does happen once in a while), I really would like to at least quickly check for GFL, Heavy Fort, etc.
    2. Other players can not vet me, and I have been rejected from groups for just this reason. Sometimes I am able to clarify to the party leader, linking gear and such, although it has happened more than once where I was not able to do so quickly enough and missed a grouping opportunity.

    I see this as moderately gamebreaking for me, and an essentially unlevel playing field - mainly in regards to issue #2 above.

    Is there any way to fix this, or is my account going to forever (or at least until Soon™) be at this meaningful disadvantage? I know it is selfish, and I don't honestly advocate it, but if it is going to be broken for some players, I think it would be more fair to disable it across the board - at least until it no longer creates a second class of accounts as it does today.

    So, can it be fixed somehow? Am I mad for seeing the above two issues as problems?

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Community Member Argila's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    You may try some 3rd party alternatives...

    Character stats

    (stats and allot more but not a web tool)

  3. #3
    Community Member Sirgleno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Thanks for the YourDDO suggestion, that seems to work even for my epic characters - and is quite current with gear. I haven't yet tried it via the in game browser, but if that does work, it basically solves issue number 1 completely.

    +1 for the useful response!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirgleno View Post
    Thanks for the YourDDO suggestion, that seems to work even for my epic characters - and is quite current with gear. I haven't yet tried it via the in game browser, but if that does work, it basically solves issue number 1 completely.

    +1 for the useful response!
    Just a tip, when viewing within the in-game browser, make sure to use YourDDO Lite.

    Specific instructions for using YourDDO in-game can be found here if you need them.

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