I was on the test server last night running around Smuggler's Rest wilderness with my level 22 melee and I enjoyed the melee, at level, and the drop rate for map pieces and compasses. The drop rate seems much higher than the previous live event and I hope it stays that way for the new live event, especially the compass drop rate.

I also tried the Butter Rum Coffee from the store since I still had 2000 points from the MoTU beta and I bought the x5 coffee. But at 10 minutes each, for 50 total minutes, for 95 total turbine points, that doesn't seem very good. I would like to see 15 or 20 minutes for each consumption of coffee. With that, one's 15 min Yugo pots, Silver Flame regen, Pendant of Time speed, one could found the slayer out in Smuggler's Rest very appealing.

Just my thoughts.