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  1. #1
    Community Member paddy1mac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default The Rogue Saints are Recruiting - Sarlona Server

    The Rogue Saints is a relatively small guild that has been playing DDO for a couple of years. We are a part of a multi-gaming guild that has been around for more than 10 years (see our website for more info on the other games we play). We're looking to grow but not just for the sake of growth, but to develop a brotherhood. We enjoy PvE, raids, crafting, etc. That being said, we do schedule "guild nights" but they are generally optional, not required.

    What we're looking for are mature, fun-loving individuals interested in joining us for a good time. F2P, Premium, or VIP; low or high level; all will be considered as we have toons in a wide range of levels.

    Requirements for membership:

    1. Visit our website and complete an application (and stay moderately active in our forums);
    2. Must be 18 or older;
    3. Must be willing to use voice chat (we use Mumble primarily);
    4. Please keep it clean - several of us have little ears around; and
    5. Be willing to work together as a group and, most importantly, have fun (it is a game after all).

    If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out an application or contact Krandlz, Deltanyu, Antello, Baylore, or Tegor in game and run with some of our members a time or two and see if its a good fit.

    Hope to see everyone in game!

  2. #2
    Community Member paddy1mac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    FYI, our website is currently going through an overhaul, so things may look a little sparse.

  3. #3
    Community Member paddy1mac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Come check us out - we have characters that range from 1-25. We are a small group of committed players who are on nightly. Most of us have families and understand the pressures and restrictions that might play on attendance.

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