Ive been thinking lately about possible builds i would love to find out if they work. Ive been thinking of a Character that can melee and cast viable (or Heavy Repeater and Cast). Yes i know arty, which i have one but they dont really have to many damage spells that work well besides blade barrier, turret, and 2 others. But i think it would be awesome if arty could get like Acid Blast and Acid Rain as a SLA and get some repeater damage getting thrown in. I know they have lighting sphere, but it does TERRIBLE damage.

And the other one would be like a melee version. (Arcane Melee so not Bard) as in like a Dual weilding caster or maybe a quaterstaff casting spells like fireball... like a range explosive AoE any melee weapon would work. I just think to try something new than just something like normal, but its like i dont want a melee/caster that will be viable at endgame and not just carried.

This is just a quistion is if this can work at all, like take arty and wiz 10/10 and see if it would work or something like that. Just some type of heavy repeater or melee weapon holder casting fireballs...

Thanks for the cooperation. if this is viable maybe we can put our heads togather and make something work.