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i'm getting the impression you've never played a caster. for one thing, nobody takes eschew materials if they care about having an effective character. for another thing, i have never played a single caster that wouldn't benefit considerably from having more feats available. on my wizard, i would have loved to have another 2-4 feats for spell focus.
on my sorcerer, feats are bloody tight. there's a reason human fairly consistently comes in as one of the top choices for sorcerers, and it isn't the extra skill point.
for a sorcerer, you pretty much want: maximize, empower, quicken (at least once you hit epics), spell focus. depending, you may also want two spell pen feats (some really nice spells have no save, but still have to get through spell resistance), and at least one more spell focus (most sorcerers are fairly heavily invested in 1-2 schools, so i could easily see wanting to spend a total of 4 feats on that). add in the possibility of past life feats (the wizard past life is awesome, bard is a slight possibility, cleric is a slight possibility), and the possible desire for even more spell focus feats (just because most sorcerers focus on either conjuration or evocation doesn't mean that they wouldn't like to be able to have good conjuration, evocation, necromancy, and enchantment DCs. heck, a few would probably also like transmutation DC to go up as well). most of the time, toughness is not just a matter of "oh, i don't have anything good, i'll take toughness", it's "ok, well, i could *really* use an extra 47 HP to keep myself from dying too easily". plus, if i had room, i'd still take extend; arcanes in general dropped extend because there were so many feats they needed to take more, not because they didn't want it at all.
on a sorcerer, i could easily envision spending 13 or more feats, if i had them available. on a wizard, easily more than that, even.
clerics and favoured souls have it *slightly* easier in most cases. for one thing, they have a lot fewer spells with DCs, so they need fewer spell focus feats (most will invest in evocation, if anything at all). combine that with the fact that fewer of their spells require SR checks, and you get a lower investment... although, again, that's because most realize they only have so many feats to spend and so they know they won't have enough to be effective at more than one task anyways; that is, they know full well that if they put feats towards boosting evocation DC, they won't have enough for both spell pen feats and both necromancy DC feats, and vice versa. in general, for a divine, you'll be looking at:
maximize, empower, empower heal, quicken, as a base. many melee, which means either the THF or TWF line, plus power attack/precision, and improved critical. those who focus on evocation will want 2 spell focus feats, those who want necromancy will also want 2 spell focus feats and both spell pen feats, and if you're a casting cleric or favoured soul you'd likely *prefer* to have both necromancy and evocation, if you could.
i assure you, casters want more feats. if there was a race that offered 5 bonus feats of any choice, you'd see just as many casters taking it as you would melees.
casters "need" less feats because we recognize that there's only so much we can do with the feats available. the only reason a sorcerer doesn't need half a dozen spell focus feats is that the average sorcerer already knows it can't be fit in, and therefore builds the rest of the character around not needing those feats... but that isn't remotely the same thing as not having a use for more feats.