The rogue platform brings a ridiculous amount of single target damage, with SA, haste, and duel damage boosts. Stunning fist is perhaps the best ability to use on trash mobs as it grants huge amounts of damage, facilitates SA, and prevents the mobs from wailing on you.
So I bring you Starshadows a modification of wax_on_wax_off's not your average rogue build where i add ranger for manyshot and sprint boost. Manyshot truly shines in furry of the wild epic destiny when using adrenalin and fury eternal. Due to the fast attack speed of handwraps its easy to have 3-4 adrenalin to dump into every manyshot.
I have used this build in EE with great success, however its not one that will see much solo EE (but i have managed to solo a few of the easyer EE).
improved sneak attack
stunning fist (monk bonus feet)
bow strength (ranger granted)
point blank shot
rapid shot
many shot
Stats 32 point:
str: 14
dex: 16 + 1 level up + 4 tome (or 2 lvl and +3 tome)
con: 14
int: 8
wisdom: 16 + levels
charisma: 8
dex for improved sneak attack, the rest into wisdom to push stunning fist to 60 DC for EE viability.
Skills: UMD, standard rogue skills, concentration on ranger/monk levels.
Race: I'm a half elf (barb delinquent), human would likely be better.
Gear: My gear is in flux at the moment, and U17 will change everything. However this build requires a high focus on stunning fist DC, so +10 stunning, +5 combat mastery, and + wisdom are essential. Improved deception is incredibly useful as well and displacement clickies are essential for EE. Myddo starshadows on canith if you want to see my current gear setup.
Destiny: Furry of the wild
Twists: only required twist is legendary tactics, I also like brace for impact and extra action boost, as well as improved invisibility. Ranger gives you a blue bar which opens up some interesting possibilities, like twisting in energy sheath from draconic or cocoon from primal avatar.
Improved critical was removed because handwraps have such poor crit profile and I had been removing seeker from my gear set, and with a low base damage improved critical was only returning ~2-4 damage a hit.
As a DPS build this build is does outstanding single target damage, however it severely lacks in AoE damage. In addition, outside of fury of the wild manyshot is likely a DPS loss.
This toon has very successfully tanked EE bosses, between displacement, dodge, and incorporeal with haste boost and improved deception bosses just don't do much damage. I switch to earth stance and turn of my threat mitigation its rather easy to hold aggro.
Thanks for reading! if you have any comments or suggestions I'm all ears!