So following a question in a different thread about high DPS, a number of people stated that paladins are low dps compared to other melee. I'm perfectly open to this idea (I don't have much recent experience of melee toons) but wanted to flesh out a build to get specific criticism on how the dps suffers vs other melee.
Human Pal 18 / Monk 2 (36pt), follower of the sovereign host
+3 Tomes to all Stats, all level ups to Str
Str 18 -> 27 @ L25
Dex 8 -> 11
Con 16 -> 19
Int 10 -> 13
Wis 8 -> 11
Cha 15 -> 18
Stats don't show enhancements and items.
Feats: 12 in total (7 + 1 human + 2 monk + 2 epic)
Power Attack, Cleave, G. Cleave, IC:Slash, OC (5 feats)
THF, ITHF, GTHF (3 feats)
Shield Mastery, Imp. Shield Mastery (2 feats)
EWP: Dwarven Axe
DOS III including pre-reqs - 32 ap
Pal Cha I - 2ap
Extra action boost I - 2ap
Divine Might III - 6ap
Divine Sacrifice I - 1ap
Exalted smite I - 1 ap
Extra smite I - 1ap
Devotion IV - 10ap
Extra LoH III - 6ap
Human imp. recovery II - 6ap
Str I - 2ap
Con I - 4ap
Racial Toughness II - 3ap
Imp. Intim IV - 4 ap
Total ap spent: 80
The idea of this build is that you can use either a 2-handed slashing weapon (ideally eSoS, but any end-game 2h sword, axe or falchion would do) in dps mode, or a shield and dwarven axe in turtle dps mode.
The two EDs of choice would be LD (for dps) and US (for tanking)
Twists in LD: Endless LoH (tier 3); Legendary shield mastery (tier 2); primal scream (tier 1)
Twists in US: Momentum swing (tier 2); Lay waste (tier 3); extra damage boost (tier 2)
Note that if/when a new ED is released, max possible fate points goes to 22, and it would be possible to twist in extra haste boost as a tier 3 ability instead of extra damage boost
(My) analysis:
This build has maximum strength achieveable by a paladin, and includes for example the DoS +6 str stance bonus as well as primal scream when in dps mode (which I understand is usable at the same time as the DoS stance). Throw in divine might III, and you're getting broadly comparable damage to a non-kensai fighter as far as I can tell.
When using 2H weapons, this build has most of the dps feats etc you'd look to take, and the LD ED strengthens this. The twists in this mode give you self-sufficiency with endless LoH, and LSM is included in case you want a bit more defence but don't want to take the full dps hit of going back into US. Doublestrike is hitting 30%+ as you'll have zeal, ISM, LSM, and item bonuses (up to +9% if we include the artifact bonus coming in u17).
When in turtle mode in US, this build has the highest dps possible by using D Axe and having the high doublestrike mentioned. Additionally, you keep access to the lay waste / momentum swing procs from LD. Finally, the 30% damage boost isn't as good as the haste boost, but it adds some damage. When a 12th ED comes out, it can be upgraded to 30% haste boost twist.
Now, when I compare this build to say the juggernaut, from what I can see they do comparable melee damage (I suspect that this build should be slightly higher in fact due to DMIII, slightly higher strength, and smites thrown in) but it lacks burst capability via manyshot.
In return, the build offers far better survivability, as you can hit PRR of 60ish in LD w/o a shield, 100 or so with a shield, and even more in US tanking mode. You have blue bar CSW if you want, and regenerating LoH, which combined with lower incoming damage means you can sustain self-healing as well as a blue bar reconstruct.
So my question to the forum experts: How far behind is this build in dps terms when in pure DPS mode (LD + 2H weapon)?