Selling :
Seal of House Dun'Robar : 2 Str/ Shatter 10, 2 Str/ Vertigo 10, 2 Con/ Stunning 10, 2 Con/ Shatter 10
Spider-spun Caparison : Dex 3, Dex 8 (3), Wis 8
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate : Con 8 (4), Str 3
Metal Typed Handwraps Min lvl 20 : Silver (2), Byeshk, Cold Iron
Scrolls : eAGA, SoS, Grim's Bracelet (and a bunch more I don't care to list)
I can also update any of the armors with a set bonus.
Buying :
1 Drow Khopesh w/ Stunning 10 and 1 with Combat Mastery 5
Please leave a message in thread or via PM if you cannot contact me in game as Willan or Maskurade.