Yes, but IMO the time spent learning how to play a more complex build should never be factored into its balance. Balance should only consider each build played to its maximum potential by its best possible player. Otherwise you end up getting what are known as 'noob builds' or 'noob characters' that are largely there as training wheels for newer players. In Counter-Strike for example, shotguns often took this status, but even they have situational uses by the top players. Here, the situational use for noob builds would only be by players 'too stupid' to use complex builds.
I'm very bitter that this ended up happening to the Warforged race, as I paid real money for it only to find that more and more it is become that 'noob race' that is good for leveling but has minimal impact at epic elite endgame. They are a 1-trick race in which every EE viable build basically revolves about reconstruct. In every build that does not use reconstruct, some other race will be stronger than Warforged. But since almost nobody plays arcanes as a repair role, that makes arcanes the only viable classes for the race, which is what you see in this 'Juggernaut' build (Artificer). Try juggernaut without reconstruct and the whole thing breaks down - better to go helf.