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  1. #81
    Community Member Bart_D's Avatar
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    I'm really amazed this can even be discussed. The OP stated a condition* to get the free chests he had worked for. A condition to get free loot. So the get the free loot you must satisfy the condition. Is that really hard to understand?

    *I would not have phrased it the same way, probably more like "Quest done, 3 free chests. I'm looking for bauble and really need it. Help please." as suggested above. But the OP did the work and can set whatever conditions he wants; others can choose to join or not.
    Last edited by Bart_D; 02-14-2013 at 11:21 PM.

  2. #82
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    I'm warning you, I'm angry, and its my rant here.

    I was farming weapons shipment to get bauble, then I'm usually putting LFM after it was done, and pop chests with whoever joined in 5 minutes.

    People gets money, arrowheads, boots mats and vendor trash and I got better chance to pull item.
    But today, it turns out I'm an evil person because of that.

    Few minutes later after I looted and recalled the guy was sending me some tells. I don't know how much, because i squelched him after 1st one.

    I really don't know what to say.
    I'm not forcing anyone to join, I'm not forbiding anyone to complete quest on their own, and farming their baubles. Everyone who joined was usually happy about getting chests without putting much effort into doing something, they seemed to be sad that they can't pass me bauble I'm after.

    I don't know what caused this noob's behaviour.
    Is it trend to want rewards handed to some players with 0 contribution, is just trolling, or maybe wanting something in return for loot is indeed greed? I doubt it, but the world seem to be changing too fast for me to catch up.

    rant off

    I'm going to farm this quest until I get that item. I just don't know should I give out chests to people.
    I've been watching for similar lfm's from you since I saw this but you live on the other side of the planet so play times don't really match up. I'll join if I see one and fork over a bauble to you if it comes up. Hopefully you already have it now. It took a long time for me to get baubles for my characters and I can understand why you might want to speed that up a bit.

    At players who think the OP did something wrong: He's not greedy and all he's asking for is a trade. The last time I checked trading for loot wasn't the root of all evil. I'm one of those, "my loot is my loot" guys but when the guy is simply asking for help completely up front it really isn't that hard to say yes and help or simply ignore the request and move on. It's not like he expected to anyone to give up their rewards for their contribution. All he did was offer free loot after doing 100% of the contribution. Sheesh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    a powerful ally able to play in any role that the group needs

  3. #83
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aashrym View Post
    I've been watching for similar lfm's from you since I saw this but you live on the other side of the planet so play times don't really match up. I'll join if I see one and fork over a bauble to you if it comes up. Hopefully you already have it now. It took a long time for me to get baubles for my characters and I can understand why you might want to speed that up a bit.

    At players who think the OP did something wrong: He's not greedy and all he's asking for is a trade. The last time I checked trading for loot wasn't the root of all evil. I'm one of those, "my loot is my loot" guys but when the guy is simply asking for help completely up front it really isn't that hard to say yes and help or simply ignore the request and move on. It's not like he expected to anyone to give up their rewards for their contribution. All he did was offer free loot after doing 100% of the contribution. Sheesh.
    There doesn't seem to be many people that are calling him greedy.

    It does seem to get muddled up that this is some altruistic endeavor, that "hey, I did all of this work, and you get FREE stuff!". But the reality is that in this case, there is an even trade.

    On the one hand you get some free junk, and maybe some trinket or boot ing, etc. that you may not have at this point and can use or sell it. On the other hand you have given him another chance at a bauble. As has been mentioned before, this can be seen as a totally fair trade off, both parties agree to the terms, it's win-win.

    The wording of the LFM might've been a little more thoughtful that is all.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonos View Post
    The wording of the LFM might've been a little more thoughtful that is all.

    Afaik OP is not native english speaker. I dont see anything bad on that lfm too - I mean rude or something like that (english is not my native language too).

    imo many people get offended quite easily, and even more of them simply forget that this ia just a computer game.

  5. #85
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    I did 30+ elite runs on cleric till I got mine. Doing it on elite will get you more people who need favor.
    Make it worth as much as you can for their time.
    Polite lfm goes a long way. " Elite, at end fight, favor, mats, or pull bauble for me :-)" worked. Many people would join, surprisingly plenty of divines.

    I also farmed for Leaves of the forest " hard done, 3 chests, could you please help me pull Leaves ?". I would do annoying seed optional for 1 more chest to get more people.
    Even had few nice tells, like " Let me finish this Citw, I will be there in 3 mins".
    "Can I get an invite to ship with t3 altar please ?" would get you invite in 20 seconds. "Need alter plz" wouldn't work.
    Tell them how long you gonna wait, and maybe even say next run done it 15 mins. People just trolling Eveningstar AH would come again.

    Don't wait long to finish, if you get 5, good, if you get 1, too bad but don't waste their time

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  6. #86
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    Default agreed

    Your terms were very clear and understandable. Not much you can do to prevent ignorance. i would have thanked you for the free loot.

  7. #87
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Screwfly View Post
    Your terms were very clear and understandable. Not much you can do to prevent ignorance. i would have thanked you for the free loot.
    And he should return with a thank you for giving him more chances at getting what he wants. No biggie.

  8. #88
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krtkoo View Post
    Afaik OP is not native english speaker. I dont see anything bad on that lfm too - I mean rude or something like that (english is not my native language too).

    imo many people get offended quite easily, and even more of them simply forget that this ia just a computer game.
    You seem to know enough English that you could have read the thread before quoting me and saying I was offended. If you express yourself in a manner that comes off like a jerk, you have to be able to take what comes back at you.

    I'm not offended, I merely gave a suggestion that would avoid most of the problems that made the OP express his indignance. Not much of any need to argue over that or make up stuff.
    Last edited by Sonos; 02-15-2013 at 06:51 PM.

  9. #89
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    i saw the lfm and was gonna tell him something like "you have 0 rights over my loot, lemme show it" til i saw the "quest done part"

    isn't strange? i saw first PASS ME YOUR BAUBLE, before quest done, 3 free chests

    then i decided the idea was good, free loot for me(no favor nor xp) but...already had decided that wasn't a polite way to ask for things

    if someday i NEED something (that is i need the first time someone on the party/raids pull it, aka anxiety) i would ask for friends/guildies

    if they aren't helping, should remove em

    h true they give buffs and help when they are interested... damm dunno who stinks more lol

    btw, gz on ur bauble, maybe someday ill get it,actually ran it 1 time, for favor, til noticed it was 12

    prolly not gonna run it again, ever, no need to, and over 100 times for 1 trinket that recovers sp 1/day isn't a need

    ppl is becoming mad with gear, dunno why are they playing @_@
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  10. #90
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aashrym View Post
    At players who think the OP did something wrong: He's not greedy and all he's asking for is a trade. The last time I checked trading for loot wasn't the root of all evil. I'm one of those, "my loot is my loot" guys but when the guy is simply asking for help completely up front it really isn't that hard to say yes and help or simply ignore the request and move on. It's not like he expected to anyone to give up their rewards for their contribution. All he did was offer free loot after doing 100% of the contribution. Sheesh.
    I agree with this... mostly.

    If I ask someone to get me a beer from my fridge and let them know that they can grab one themselves while they're up, then I'm offering a trade. All they have to do to get the free beer is walk to the chest/fridge.

    Anyone who would walk to the fridge and get a beer for themselves without grabbing one for me after I made that offer is being rude.

    ...But if the way I offer that trade is to shout, "FREE BEER FOR YOU IN THE FRIDGE. GET ONE FOR ME WHILE YOU ARE UP OR DON'T GO IN THE KITCHEN!" then I'm being rude as well.

    Giving chests after completed quests isn't greedy, but it's still possible to be rude and abrasive even when you're offering someone free loot.

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