I feel ripped off now that I found out that Artificers, a specialist class like the bard, recieves echos of power. It makes me angry and have a disrespect for the people who take advantage of us who play bards. As always, new content out-powers old things. I have always accepted this until now. Do you realize how many thousands of times that my bards have ran out of spell points. We are the main crowd control of many parties. We buff the party more than any other class. We are given the shank for the lower mana pool and now the shank for leaving us without echo's of power. My bard has an equal spell power as both my cleric and my FvS; yet, my healing is considerably lowered. Bard's heals are less effective. We get cure moderate wounds mass. The line of healing for a bard is pathetic. Without echo's of power, our simple cure light wounds doesn't even refresh. Ok... the many, many warforged artificers have their repair light damage refresh? I feel ripped off and feel taken advantage of. Bash, bash, bash and bla-bla-bla.... Does anyone even care?