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  1. #1
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    Default @$%k Ranged !!! I think they finally done it !!

    Really though guys you take out the Ranged incentive of the new Epic Blackdragonscale . While leaving the the doublestrike alone !!!

    Idk do you really have something against us ?

    At first i thought it was lack of care . After we complained how the ranged portion of the set bonus sukd to begin with , You go ahead and remove it's viability all together .

    Im sorry but unless im soloing i rarely kill stuff since i run with alot of blitz users , ill dps em within a spec of there bar then let them build stacks .

    Even if that wasn't the case it doesn't offer anything worth equiping .

    Not only was i disappointed in Egh loot to begin with , Now it's forth coming destroys previous effects ontop of it .

    And after such a crappy day of work to come home and hear this pile of $h!t

  2. #2


    We told you that you were late to the complaints already.

    Did you seriously think that epic version of the black dragon scale would have had some nice ranged only incentive stuff when the heroic version got nerfed some time ago?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    We told you that you were late to the complaints already.

    Did you seriously think that epic version of the black dragon scale would have had some nice ranged only incentive stuff when the heroic version got nerfed some time ago?
    Better late then never !

  4. #4
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murf201 View Post
    Better late then never !
    I hear "spell touched" throwing weapons are all the rage....
    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  5. #5
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Hokiewa View Post
    I hear "spell touched" throwing weapons are all the rage....
    Closed dryad grove? Yeap, all the rage.

  7. #7
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    Wish I had some creative toched throwers to throw at some people !!!!

  8. #8
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    Anyone tested if different numbered "artifact" bonuses stack? Or has that been stated elsewhere that I haven't noticed.

    They didn't leave the doublestrike alone, they made it an artifact bonus too. There is just no other form of doublestrike artifact bonus for it to conflict with at the moment.

    It would be kinda sad if the Flawless Black Dragonscale set bonus to ranged damage didn't stack a CitW set or the Claw set. That still won't deter me from making one on my ranged characters though, the 20% Armor Piercing and 5% damage from Relentless Fury still make it appealing to me.

    May have to adjust you're equipment/build/play-style if you're not getting enough kills for Relentless Fury to be effective. My main "ranged focus" character, uses repeaters, the current ml14 black dragonhide armor, and focuses on the Fury of the Wild ED. I may not be a contender in the kill count race, but I've gotten Adrenaline to crit for almost 900, with a full stack of Archer's Focus(+30% damage) and Relentless Fury(+5%). Knowing when to be in the Archer's Focus/Improved Precise Shot stances can make a huge difference as well, same applies for when to move and when to sit still, or what targets to target when.

    On a side note, we've still got the Dream Visor to look forward to.

    Also hope they change the Pendant of the Stormreaver to apply to ranged damage.
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  9. #9
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    Seriously dude, this change didn't break ranged combat. It was already borked. I highly doubt this even registers on the list of reasons why ranged combat sucks in DDO.

  10. #10
    Community Member Narfle_the_Garthok's Avatar
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    Ranged combat is awesome, as manyshot and fusilage burst dmg. And ranged combat item bonuses are considered and nerfed by the hasted x4 shot burst and not by the firerate of those insistant of using bows beyond that. Which they should.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ormsbygore View Post
    Anyone tested if different numbered "artifact" bonuses stack? Or has that been stated elsewhere that I haven't noticed.

    They didn't leave the doublestrike alone, they made it an artifact bonus too. There is just no other form of doublestrike artifact bonus for it to conflict with at the moment.

    It would be kinda sad if the Flawless Black Dragonscale set bonus to ranged damage didn't stack a CitW set or the Claw set. That still won't deter me from making one on my ranged characters though, the 20% Armor Piercing and 5% damage from Relentless Fury still make it appealing to me.

    May have to adjust you're equipment/build/play-style if you're not getting enough kills for Relentless Fury to be effective. My main "ranged focus" character, uses repeaters, the current ml14 black dragonhide armor, and focuses on the Fury of the Wild ED. I may not be a contender in the kill count race, but I've gotten Adrenaline to crit for almost 900, with a full stack of Archer's Focus(+30% damage) and Relentless Fury(+5%). Knowing when to be in the Archer's Focus/Improved Precise Shot stances can make a huge difference as well, same applies for when to move and when to sit still, or what targets to target when.

    On a side note, we've still got the Dream Visor to look forward to.

    Also hope they change the Pendant of the Stormreaver to apply to ranged damage.
    No I checked pendant does not work with ranged ! And woo hoo 2 slots and an effect available at lvl 14 . Dat stuffs beez like epiks .

    And for the most part I dont care about kill counts or kills period , I do my fair share but I alloy the blitz toons to catch em mostly .

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadereaper33 View Post
    Seriously dude, this change didn't break ranged combat. It was already borked. I highly doubt this even registers on the list of reasons why ranged combat sucks in DDO.
    So what your saying is that I shouldn't of posted any comments in regards to this matter .

    Im always gunna be here when I get the chance to martyr on about the ranged issues untill I / we feel a change

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by murf201 View Post
    So what your saying is that I shouldn't of posted any comments in regards to this matter .

    Im always gunna be here when I get the chance to martyr on about the ranged issues untill I / we feel a change
    No, what I am saying is that the tone, and message, of your OP is quite a bit exaggerated in my opinion. Making a comment about how you perceive the change to the black dragon set is all well and good, but your thread title and post just feel like they are way overdoing it simply to try and get attention. Again, that is just my opinion. I think there may be better ways to go about getting your message across, and prompting useful, constructive discussion about the effects in question. For example, in my opinion, for ranged combat to ever be made effective and useful when compared to other forms of combat, manyshot needs to be changed. It has been stated by dev's before that any change they make to buff ranged combat will essentially be quadrupled because of the current implementation of manyshot. Currently, while using manyshot, or 10k stars if built for it, ranged DPS is among the best in the game, and among the worst in the game when not using those abilities. To me, this means that any change of buff to ranged combat will be lackluster at best until such time as those abilities are changed.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadereaper33 View Post
    No, what I am saying is that the tone, and message, of your OP is quite a bit exaggerated in my opinion. Making a comment about how you perceive the change to the black dragon set is all well and good, but your thread title and post just feel like they are way overdoing it simply to try and get attention. Again, that is just my opinion. I think there may be better ways to go about getting your message across, and prompting useful, constructive discussion about the effects in question. For example, in my opinion, for ranged combat to ever be made effective and useful when compared to other forms of combat, manyshot needs to be changed. It has been stated by dev's before that any change they make to buff ranged combat will essentially be quadrupled because of the current implementation of manyshot. Currently, while using manyshot, or 10k stars if built for it, ranged DPS is among the best in the game, and among the worst in the game when not using those abilities. To me, this means that any change of buff to ranged combat will be lackluster at best until such time as those abilities are changed.
    Yeah i get what your saying and ofcourse im trying to draw attention , Same goes for the headlines of a newpaper !!

    And yes i absolutely agree with you on changing manyshot , At the same time they have also showed us that you can have abilities that don't function at the same time as manyshot . But yes i changed my tune over the past year and im all for changing it for the better of the combat style , But try telling that to the couple thousand melees who found away to exploit / or make builds built off of it .

    They will tell you theres nothing wrong with it cause there able to abuse it in its current form , **** !!! i abuse it as well right now , but im all for changing it to make the playstyle i love alot much better !!!

    But at the same time I want the same amount of bonuses from the scales that melee gets , it was implemented to be that way to begin with , and maybe he's gunna change it just hoping he gives us a confirmation soon !

  15. #15
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    At one time, I thought they hated Clerics.

    Then I tried playing a ranged Ranger...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

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