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*Warning, the following post contains large amounts of logic. If logic upsets you, or you are allergic to it, please skip over this post*
At the risk of becoming a target for pitchforks, absolutely stacking bonuses are one of the worst things in this game. From a logical, rational viewpoint, the more absolutely stacking bonuses we have, the higher the "maximum" amount of power a character can have. This means that the hardest difficulty of content must be balanced around having that highest level of power, otherwise we get people complaining about how nothing in DDO is hard anymore. But, at the same time, you have other players who may be casual, or just not as good as the elite players, who need another difficulty to run. So the dev's create the difficulty we have now, with EE set up for the best of the best, because they have all that power and skill and want a challenge, then we have EH which is fine for most of the player base as it isn't completely faceroll, nor does it stomp your teeth in every fight. Finally, there is EN, for those who are new to the content or the game, or just not as good at this type of game.
Now, the actual problem with the absolute stacking bonuses lies with the differences between these difficulties. The elite power gamer crowd is going to have the absolute best items in every slot they possibly can, because that is how they enjoy the game. Nothing wrong with that, but it means that for EE to be difficult for them, it has to be balanced around the idea of the best builds in the game with the best gear in the game. The more power a character has, the harder that difficulty needs to be to be a challenge for that character. Then you get the rest of the crowd, that doesn't have the absolute best gear in the game, maybe they make some builds that are sub-optimal or just for fun, so the other difficulties get balanced around them. As the gap between the absolute best characters and the average gamers' character grows larger and larger, the difference between EH and EE will also continue to grow larger and larger. We can already see the negative effects this has on the game right now, as EE is so radically different from EH that there isn't any real way to prepare for EE same bashing your face against it until you figure it out.
As I said, absolute stacking bonuses are bad for the game, they are the bad form of power creep. Making the bonuses not stack absolutely, by assigning them with a type, may not be a popular decision but it is a necessary decision for the continued health of the game. More powerful effects, that do not stack with some other, similar effects, is a good form of power creep. It provides players with a path to increase their characters power level without becoming overwhelming in its effects. It may seem like random, arbitrary nerfs just to spite the player base, but I suspect that a lot of the recent changes made have been to try to curb the rate of power rise in characters in an attempt to keep the life of the game going.
/end logic