I haven't figured out a decent gear set to aim for at level 25 for my evo/conj AM. Should I plan to get the Archmage Set from ToD?
I haven't figured out a decent gear set to aim for at level 25 for my evo/conj AM. Should I plan to get the Archmage Set from ToD?
Well to me the question came down to what I wanted to hold in my hands. I don't mind switching superior lore/mastery sticks for different situations so the set became near usless to me. Also with the new U17 update I believe major arcane lore will be available for the first time. Not to mention it takes up two slots now. Now with that being said I play a PM not AM so ...
I would find this set more useful on my Arti or melee FvS currently.
The problem with the ToD sets is that they were meant for the level 20 End game and not the level 25 end game. So it feels hard to justify hard equiping a ring with belth/necklace for any of the ToD sets unless they stack with some of the better items.
I'm struggling with the same dilemma myself in regards to my earth savant. I don't need the crit since I use a superior acid lore item. The bump in acid based levels is minor compared to the over all destiny options and a temp stacking clicky is just not that tempting for me.
I'd love to see a revamp of all the ToD sets with the release of all the PrEs. Something that provides a good reason to use the set compared to anything in the level range. True - being able to add insightful +2 in something at level 18 is not bad, but I'm not sure I want to grind for a ring I won't use until I TR into a sorc.
I'd love for someones input here to convince me that it's worth giving up a ring and belt slot for.
[Edit] Now if they added augment slots to both of these in additional to the unlocked potential then it would be a whole different thing altogether. Being able to add heavy fort to the belt would be huge since that's what I use the belt slot for right now. And an yellow augment slot for the ring should add enough diversification to allow me to consider it in the end game, since I was considering a named ring anyways just for the augment slots.
Last edited by patang01; 01-31-2013 at 09:23 AM.
TOD sets are already pretty much completely indefensible, and U17 only makes them worse. You can now get Major Arcane Lore on epic Bluescale if you feel you really need that 0.5 multiplier, on top of all the new belts/rings that are way better in slot.