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Thread: Sorrowdusk Isle

  1. #21
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilagan800 View Post
    Am I missing something?
    He resets two quest-lines.
    If you want to repeat the first four quests, the ones on the lower island, make sure you are asking him to reset Grey Moon Waning. If you ask him to reset Cult of the Six, the ones on the lower island are still locked - and only the ones on the upper part are open to run again.

    It's kinda confusing, because I think Co6 is the first option for repeating - and clicking fast can goof ya up. Happened to me a few times.

    Hope that clears it up a tad.
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  2. #22
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilagan800 View Post
    I don't know if it's just me but I have trouble resetting the Sorrowdusk chain. When I return to the original ogre to reset the first 4 quests he instead resets the second half of the chain and I can't play the first 4. I tried abandoning the quests but it says I can't abandon them while in progress. Am I missing something?
    You are not, but what happened was you had him reset the 2nd rather than the 1st, which borks it all up. Had to learn that one the hard way myself... twice.
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  3. #23
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squishwizzy View Post
    Probably one of the *least* run packs I see on G-land. They are a fun set of quests. Problem is that the story arc is very long, there are no named items as end rewards, and thus very few people run them.

    Here's are my thoughts:

    1) Change the wilderness to be F2P.
    2) Add two F2P quests to draw people to the island. These quests are completely disconnected frrom the original story arc.
    3) The story arc is too long between the first and second parts of the chain. Break them up so that Hragg can allow you to repeat the Cult of the Six quests.
    4) Add a couple of named items - one with a decent UMD buff.

    There are a couple of spots that would be perfect for a coupld of F2P quests. The first is in the undead area - not a lot going on over there. The other is right by the boat.

    As for adding named items, like I suggested maybe something with a decent UMD buff. There are very few of these in the game. Another would be a trinket that is craftable up to +8 (without needing the +6, +7, and +8 crystals to upgrade the deconstructed item). Make it BtC or BtA.
    What they need to do more then anything is to make them all the same level. Same with all chained quests that are of different ML from start till end. It worked when the level cap was lower, but now it's silly. One of the reasons why I seldom run Sorrowdusk, it just doesn't fit into my plan with its disconnected leveling.

    Make it level 8 across the board.

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