I returned to the game after a year, and rather than figure out what my full bank/shared bank/inventory mess means for my level 20 Tempest RNG/ROG/MNK finesse build I decided to TR her into an Arty. I had been planning a TR before I left, so I figured why not relearn the game leveling up a new character. Plus, they had a sale on the experience tomes so the grind hasn't been noticeable yet.
Anyway, playing the Artificer for the first time I'm wondering what route I should take. Melee is out since I dumped STR. What other options are there? Caster and Repeater I'm assuming, but are there any links to some good builds or guides to running an Arty. I went with WF and all my stats are at base except INT maxed at creation, 17 CON, and 16 Dex for my 34-point build. I also ate a +3 supreme tome in my past life that should carry over.
Playstyle is pretty diverse. I have played Ranger, Rogue, WF Sorc and Cleric mainly and loved them all, so I'm open to range or caster or even melee though I doubt that's possible now...
I'm at level 3 and I've taken Toughness and Augment Summoning for feats thus far. This early, I'm doing a large part of my damage with a G. Axe and Masters Touch but I use my Rune Arm/X-bow at range if I need to soften up particularly tough guys.
Looking for some advice from some veteran Artys on how took get the most out of my character before I get to far and have to LR
Thank you!