Thanks everyone for helping me get back into the swing of things!
Only took 12 chest pops to get my Strinati's! I can definitely see the advantage of having some Anger's Step clickys so that will be happening tonight!
The Tomb RA seems like a lot of work for a lvl 9 item...then again I suppose it cuts down on the tougher undead...I will probably farm for that passively at level and see how it goes.
I've kept up gearing my pup, but I should probably craft him something with bodyfeeder/lifeshield since I have the crafting junk sitting in my bag wasting space...Having him be more self-sufficient will definitely cut down on SP waste...although I find that at level 5 he actually takes more hits than me in tough fights!
I got my first decent repeater...can't BELIEVE I played from lvl 1 to 4 using a plain xbow (Oladren's). No wonder I was relying so much on 2H melee damage and wondered why the heck RA was even remotely useful...With Strinati's (and I had Flicker before that) and a repeater, wow my DPS skyrocketed!
With that in mind, what sort of Repeaters should I be looking for? Any named ones up to lvl 20 that are "must have" in terms of dps or utility? I suppose I'll end up like all my other characters and have about 10 weapon sets by level 16...