Been a while since I have been around these parts. Any of the old AOK guys still playing? Merlocke, Tab, Zylen, P, Preston, J$, Ishy, Neebs etc? Thinking about making a comeback.
Been a while since I have been around these parts. Any of the old AOK guys still playing? Merlocke, Tab, Zylen, P, Preston, J$, Ishy, Neebs etc? Thinking about making a comeback.
I can't speak to each of the named, but I do see AOK folks running around on Argo quite a bit.
Welcome back.
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)
Every so often someone insta-clicks the Shroud5 alter and I know AOK is still around![]()
Its always hit and miss. I was in an ADQ a while back on my Ranger and one guy for some reason spent the entire raid berating and belittling me (I had said nothing nor typed anything the entire time). Didnt heal me at all either, and I ended up dying. Self healing is fine unless you are silly and get knocked over...
I rez and loot and get a Green Blade. He then says that as a Ranger I should put it up for roll. I loot it, and my only words all run are to say that Im off to vendor it, and the 5 seconds of silence from him, and laughter from everyone else was golden. Then I dropped the group and put it in my bank for my Sorc/Wiz lives.
Yes, both Aces Over Kings and Ambassadors of Kindness are around.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
Log into vent and find out.
As I said its hit and miss. Some have been great. Sure, they joke and swear and rage and whatever, but we all do that from time to time. Others have just gone out of their way to be rude.
Supreme justice would have been him getting no Green Blade or Torc on his 20th run.
I've had bad experiences with AoK (the old guild) and great with the old and new. Just like with every guild and every group there are deeks and preeks and all kind of assortment of awesome. To prejudge an induvidual based on their guild name seems stupid before that person have actually done something to you. And karma is a ***** and decided to slap that guy. Good on you.
A long time ago it seemed to be a goal of AoK to mess up runs when pugging. But then again, Ive been in a Reavers Fate run when a bunch of guys from a different guild played Chicken in the centre of the room, leading to 3 or 4 dying, including one of the healers. Left my (lone) healer to take care of the raid.
Luckily I had done it a few times and knew what I was doing. Or, maybe they figured I could solo heal it so just had some fun. At the time I wasnt impressed, but after completion I could laugh about it.
Hi Phresh!![]()
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen