I have completly uninstalled DDO and reinstalled it, removed the microsoft.NET framework and reinstalled them as well. I still get this error.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010105): The server threw an exception.
at PatchWrapper.CPatcherClass.UseTime()
at com.turbine.launcher.Services.Patcher.UseTime()
The only other thing I can think of is that I have to connect through a proxy server. Microsoft Explorer doesn't need it to connect to the internet but SniperHill (the service I use) requires me to toggle the Use proxy server check box and input my proxy address. Afterwards, I am able to connect to the server and the download begins....always with preloaded patches but it crashes after all 15,000 files are downloaded....never actually updates.
If I don't select the proxy server option, then I get the error as if I am not even on the internet. I just wonder if the error has anything to do with the proxy. I have also tried putting the proxy address into IE and then selecting the DDO option of use Windows proxy settings. I think it works the same way ...always ending with the 40000 error.
I have also tried running the turbinelauncher.exe as admin but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I have also checked for viruses and tried the clean boot option but no dice.