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Turbine already has a loyalty program. It is called "VIP."
To start out, I just want to clarify that I'm not slamming VIPs, F2P people, or Premium accounts. I'm just pointing out how Turbine's current business model works, and what the pitfalls are with these three account types.
Incentives are used to encourage a defined behavior. A loyalty program is little more than an incentive.
Loyalty programs are used to encourage repeat business. They really only work after a customer shells out monet for a product over, and over again. The point of the program is to KEEP them shelling out monet for that same product by making them feel special in one form or another.
The more people who play DDO, the more resources they consume that the compeny has to pay for. This inclues bandwidth, power for the servers, maintenance, and so on. Every time you play DDO, that costs Turbine money in one form or another.
Since F2P accounts play without paying anything, the last thing you want to do is to provide incentives to continue that behavior. That would eventually bleed Turbine dry. F2P is a "loss leader," which is simular to providing trial versions of software. People get a feel for the product by going F2P, and if they want the goodies they pay for them.
Premium accounts are a little trickier. Say you go premium, and you pay $300.00 up front to play the game. If you pay nothing more into the game, eventually you'll eventually go from being profit for the company and turn into a loss. So, if you want to incentivize premium players, you have to keep them paying money each and every month to a) cover your costs, and b) pull a profit. Because of Turbine doesn't pull profit, you can forget growth, and thereby expansion of the game. This is just a fact of life.
VIP is really easy to quantify and monitor. You pat a subscription each month. The amount they pay should (ideally) cover the costs of their use, and provide a profit to the company. Whether a VIP player plays every day of the month, or never their costs are covered and then some. Their loyalty program? It is call free access to all content. All new content is their incentive to keep paying every month. So technically, their loyalty program is built-in to the account.
(Which is why I pitch a fit over the MotU expansion being witheld from VIP accounts - it undermines the incentive to be a VIP).
The only reasonable way that Turbine would be able to provide a loyalty program for F2P and Premium models, and be consistent is if Turbine changed its business model such that they somehow make money over constant activity on their servers. The only real way to do that would be to start advertising in the game. They would then incentivize people to get connected more often, and stay connected longer so that they could take those activity numbers and use them to sell advertising space on their product.
So, the reality is that VIP is kinda their "loyalty" program. Otherwise, they'd have to change their current business models.