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  1. #1
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default January 2013 Risia Ice Game Statistics

    January 2012 Statistics

    The games began on Monday, January 7, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST.
    The games ended on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST.

    My data for the Eveningstar Ice Races is just too small to really post about. The only thing I will say is that if you do not finish the race, you have a better chance of getting a fire resist or a cold resist scroll. If you finish the race, you have a better chance of getting a Glaciation recipe. I received at least two Glaciation 120 recipes, I finished the race both times, and I scored over 800 each time.

    FINAL RESULTS - could be some typos.
    I only cash coins in at the Harbor. You could cash in at House P. I cash coins in Instance 1 always.

    Usual caveats apply. In no way am I inferring that my results will be the same as your results. I am sure you all will get more recipe 5s than I do per 100 coins.

    For those of you that notice the percentages do not add up to 100 it is because on rare chances, three white coins can give you two rewards. Two blue coins can give you three rewards. Plus, there are times when you just get winter motes for white coins. I just lump all that in.

    9,768 white Coins Turned in = 3,256 rewards

    Recipe 1 = 224, 6.88%
    Recipe 3 = 199, 6.11%
    Recipe 6 = 214, 6.57%
    Recipe 7 = 160, 4.91%
    Recipe 8 = 85, 2.61%
    Recipe 16 = 166, 5.10%

    Candy Canes = 75, 2.30%
    Trinket = 24, 0.74%

    Potion, Haste = 86, 2.64%
    Potion, Jump = 84, 2.58%
    Potion, Chill Shield = 80, 2.46%
    Potion, Resist Fire = 100, 3.07%
    Potion, Protection Fire = 81, 2.49%
    Potion, Frostbite - 84, 2.58%
    Potion, Superior Freeze - 80, 2.46%
    Potion, Feather Fall - 76, 2.33%

    Motes = 41.26 winter motes per 100 white coins
    Max number of motes for 3 white coins = 6 winter motes

    Scroll, Niacs - 58, 1.78%
    Scroll, Snowballs - 32, 0.98%
    Scroll, Frost Lance - 41, 1.26%
    Scroll, Ice Storm - 23, 0.71%
    Scroll, Cone of Cold - 49, 1.50%
    Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 22, 0.68%
    Scroll, Polar Ray - 66, 2.03%

    Wand, Niacs - 59, 1.81%
    Wand, Ice Storm - 14, 0.43%
    Wand, Cone of Cold - 21, 0.64%

    Twig = 20, 0.61%
    Coal = 23, 0.71%

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
    6,812 Blue Coins Turned in = 3,406 rewards

    Recipe 1 = 243, 7.13%
    Recipe 2 = 287, 8.43%
    Recipe 3 = 228, 6.69%
    Recipe 4 = 163, 4.79%
    Recipe 6 = 222, 6.52%
    Recipe 7 = 187, 5.49%
    Recipe 8 = 116, 3.41%
    Recipe 9 = 182, 5.34%
    Recipe 10 = 94, 2.76%
    Recipe 11 = 59, 1.73%
    Recipe 15 = 328, 9.63%
    Recipe 16 = 173, 5.08%

    Candy Canes = 112, 3.29%
    Trinket = 25, 0.73%

    Potion, Haste = 135, 3.99%
    Potion, Jump = 136, 3.96%
    Potion, Chill Shield = 137, 4.02%
    Potion, Resist Fire = 131, 3.85%
    Potion, Protection Fire = 148, 4.35%
    Potion, Frostbite - 122, 3.58%
    Potion, Superior Freeze - 129, 3.79%
    Potion, Feather Fall - 133, 3.90%

    Motes = 528.42 winter motes per 100 blue coins
    Max number of motes for 2 blue coins = 20 winter motes

    Scroll, Niacs - 62, 1.82%
    Scroll, Snowballs - 85, 2.50%
    Scroll, Frost Lance - 82, 2.41%
    Scroll, Ice Storm - 50, 1.47%
    Scroll, Cone of Cold - 79, 2.32%
    Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 90, 2.64%
    Scroll, Polar Ray - 65, 1.91%

    Wand, Niacs - 104, 3.05%
    Wand, Ice Storm - 38, 1.12%
    Wand, Cone of Cold - 45, 1.32%

    Twig = 27, 0.79%
    Coal = 35, 0.02%

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
    3,200 Purple Coins Turned in

    Recipe 1 = 211, 6.59%
    Recipe 2 = 271, 8.47%
    Recipe 3 = 227, 7.09%
    Recipe 4 = 161, 5.03%
    Recipe 5 = 160, 5.00%
    Recipe 6 = 227, 7.09%
    Recipe 7 = 150, 4.69%
    Recipe 8 = 126, 3.94%
    Recipe 9 = 142, 4.44%
    Recipe 10 = 110, 3.44%
    Recipe 11 = 54, 1.69%
    Recipe 12 = 198, 6.19%
    Recipe 13 = 166, 5.19%
    Recipe 14 = 109, 3.41%
    Recipe 15 = 302, 9.44%
    Recipe 16 = 143, 4.47%
    Recipe 17 = 92, 2.88%
    Recipe 18 = 108, 3.38%
    Recipe 19 = 106, 3.31%
    Recipe 20 = 104, 3.25%

    Candy Canes = 217, 6.78%
    Trinket = 61, 1.91%

    Potion, Haste = 249, 7.78%
    Potion, Jump = 264, 8.25%
    Potion, Chill Shield = 255, 7.97%
    Potion, Resist Fire = 249, 7.78%
    Potion, Protection Fire = 263, 8.22%
    Potion, Frostbite = 202, 6.31%
    Potion, superior Freeze = 242, 7.56%
    Potion, Feather Fall = 240, 7.50%

    Motes = 2108.22 winter motes per 100 purple coins
    Max number of motes per purple coin = 40 winter motes

    Scroll, Niacs - 100, 3.13%
    Scroll, Snowballs - 138, 4.31%
    Scroll, Frost Lance - 132, 4.13%
    Scroll, Ice Storm - 154, 4.81%
    Scroll, Cone of Cold - 130, 4.06%
    Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 150, 4.69%
    Scroll, Polar Ray - 140, 4.38%

    Wand, Niacs - 205, 6.41%
    Wand, Ice Storm - 60, 1.88%
    Wand, Cone of Cold - 57, 1.78%

    Twig = 68, 2.13%
    Coal = 61, 1.91%
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 07-19-2013 at 11:03 AM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  2. #2
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default January 2013 Quantity of Items received

    Sorted from most received from all coins turned in to least received from all coins turned in.

    Total MOtes Received = 107,489

    Recipe 1..................678
    Recipe 6..................663
    Recipe 3..................654
    Recipe 15................630
    Recipe 2..................558
    Recipe 7..................497
    Potion, Prot Fire........492
    Potion, Jump...........484
    Recipe 16...............482
    Potion, Resist Fire...............480
    Potion, Chill Shield...............472
    Potion, Haste...............470
    Potion, Superior Freeze...............451
    Potion, Feather Fall...............449
    Potion, Frostbite...............408
    Candy Canes...............404
    Wand, Niacs...............368
    Recipe 8...............327
    Recipe 4...............324
    Recipe 9...............324
    Scroll, Polar Ray...............271
    Scroll Freezing Sphere...............262
    Scroll, Cone of Cold...............258
    Scroll, Snowballs...............255
    Scroll, Frost Lance...............255
    Scroll Ice Storm...............227
    Scroll, Niacs...............220
    Recipe 10...............204
    Recipe 12...............198
    Recipe 13...............166
    Recipe 5...............160
    Wand, Cone of Cold...............123
    Recipe 11...............113
    Wand, Ice Storm...............112
    Recipe 14...............109
    Recipe 18...............108
    Recipe 19...............106
    Recipe 20...............104
    Recipe 17...............92
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 01-29-2013 at 07:00 AM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  3. #3
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Midwinter games

    I was not a big seller of Icy Burst kits this year as I needed motes.

    Before I knew that I could get a Polar Bear Cub for 10,000 motes, I had agreed to provide 10,000 motes to some players at 500,000 plat. Which is 50K per thousand,

    I had to experiment with the midwinter recipes to see how they worked. For what levels do they function the best?

    Currently, I am of the conclusion that Icy Bursting weapons for level 4 through level12 is good. Anything above that most of us will have named weapons, crafted weapons, or green steel weapons that we use.

    The Armor is still an unknown. Risia Altar I could put Glaciation 78 on a weapon. If I wanted higher than that I had to go to Eveningstar and add glaciation 84-120 to my most frequently worn armor set. Not sure how many casters use shields, but I know I don't.

    For the Fire Resist and Cold Resist, right now I placed it on armor and shields for level 6 through level 16.

    Battle Armor +5 I added Fire Resist 10 to.
    Battle Tower Shields +5 I put Cold Resist 10 on.
    Mountain Armor +5 I added Fire Resist 10 to.
    Mountain Tower Shields +5 I put cold resist 10 on.

    Mithril Breastplate +5 I put Fire Resist 10 on. Or Skirmish if you aren't an old timer that doesn't have Mithril breastplate sitting in banks.

    Robes of Greater Fire Reistsance I added Fire Resist 10 to. Pretty sure it stacks.
    Robes of Greater Cold Resistance I added Cold Resist 10 to.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  4. #4
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    Did anyone besides myself and my friends find the glaciation 30 recipe to be almost mythically rare?. I tried scoring 1 and ended up with a resist 75% of the time or more. I scored 108 (finished) and got a glaciation 36. Very hard to intentionally get a glaciation 30.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    This... is....most impressive.

  6. #6
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Festushood

    Unfortunately, I did not write down my first eight days of winter data. I was just trying to figure out what the heck.

    I know the first six time I did it I RACED to the end going through every gate and being rewarded with a low score and who knows what kind of recipe.

    My scores were very low.

    Once I figured out that it was SNOWFLAKE points that gave me motes, 1 mote per three snowflake points, I then decided to try to not finish the race but go back and use my full 3:00 on the course.

    If I was near the end and my time was low, I would skate around at the end and try for that last purpleI(42 points) and cross the finish line for the bonus of 100 snowflake points just for finishing.

    In case some do not know

    Pink or Copper snowflakes = 1 point
    Blue or SIlver snowflakes = 13 points
    Gold Snowflakes = 27 points
    Purple Snowflakes = 42 points

    All the snowflakes had their standard spots. There were probably a grand total of six purples on any course.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  7. #7
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by moomooprincess View Post

    All the snowflakes had their standard spots. There were probably a grand total of six purples on any course.
    Yes, the frustratingly random thing was whether there were any jump boost anywhere near the purple flakes so that you could get them.

    My scores ranged anywhere from 450 to 1100, depending almost entirely on what the random setup was with the snowflakes. Some times there were gold flakes and double score icons literally all over the place, other times i went through the whole course without seeing any.

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