January 2012 Statistics
The games began on Monday, January 7, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST.
The games ended on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST.
My data for the Eveningstar Ice Races is just too small to really post about. The only thing I will say is that if you do not finish the race, you have a better chance of getting a fire resist or a cold resist scroll. If you finish the race, you have a better chance of getting a Glaciation recipe. I received at least two Glaciation 120 recipes, I finished the race both times, and I scored over 800 each time.
FINAL RESULTS - could be some typos.
I only cash coins in at the Harbor. You could cash in at House P. I cash coins in Instance 1 always.
Usual caveats apply. In no way am I inferring that my results will be the same as your results. I am sure you all will get more recipe 5s than I do per 100 coins.
For those of you that notice the percentages do not add up to 100 it is because on rare chances, three white coins can give you two rewards. Two blue coins can give you three rewards. Plus, there are times when you just get winter motes for white coins. I just lump all that in.
9,768 white Coins Turned in = 3,256 rewards
Recipe 1 = 224, 6.88%
Recipe 3 = 199, 6.11%
Recipe 6 = 214, 6.57%
Recipe 7 = 160, 4.91%
Recipe 8 = 85, 2.61%
Recipe 16 = 166, 5.10%
Candy Canes = 75, 2.30%
Trinket = 24, 0.74%
Potion, Haste = 86, 2.64%
Potion, Jump = 84, 2.58%
Potion, Chill Shield = 80, 2.46%
Potion, Resist Fire = 100, 3.07%
Potion, Protection Fire = 81, 2.49%
Potion, Frostbite - 84, 2.58%
Potion, Superior Freeze - 80, 2.46%
Potion, Feather Fall - 76, 2.33%
Motes = 41.26 winter motes per 100 white coins
Max number of motes for 3 white coins = 6 winter motes
Scroll, Niacs - 58, 1.78%
Scroll, Snowballs - 32, 0.98%
Scroll, Frost Lance - 41, 1.26%
Scroll, Ice Storm - 23, 0.71%
Scroll, Cone of Cold - 49, 1.50%
Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 22, 0.68%
Scroll, Polar Ray - 66, 2.03%
Wand, Niacs - 59, 1.81%
Wand, Ice Storm - 14, 0.43%
Wand, Cone of Cold - 21, 0.64%
Twig = 20, 0.61%
Coal = 23, 0.71%
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6,812 Blue Coins Turned in = 3,406 rewards
Recipe 1 = 243, 7.13%
Recipe 2 = 287, 8.43%
Recipe 3 = 228, 6.69%
Recipe 4 = 163, 4.79%
Recipe 6 = 222, 6.52%
Recipe 7 = 187, 5.49%
Recipe 8 = 116, 3.41%
Recipe 9 = 182, 5.34%
Recipe 10 = 94, 2.76%
Recipe 11 = 59, 1.73%
Recipe 15 = 328, 9.63%
Recipe 16 = 173, 5.08%
Candy Canes = 112, 3.29%
Trinket = 25, 0.73%
Potion, Haste = 135, 3.99%
Potion, Jump = 136, 3.96%
Potion, Chill Shield = 137, 4.02%
Potion, Resist Fire = 131, 3.85%
Potion, Protection Fire = 148, 4.35%
Potion, Frostbite - 122, 3.58%
Potion, Superior Freeze - 129, 3.79%
Potion, Feather Fall - 133, 3.90%
Motes = 528.42 winter motes per 100 blue coins
Max number of motes for 2 blue coins = 20 winter motes
Scroll, Niacs - 62, 1.82%
Scroll, Snowballs - 85, 2.50%
Scroll, Frost Lance - 82, 2.41%
Scroll, Ice Storm - 50, 1.47%
Scroll, Cone of Cold - 79, 2.32%
Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 90, 2.64%
Scroll, Polar Ray - 65, 1.91%
Wand, Niacs - 104, 3.05%
Wand, Ice Storm - 38, 1.12%
Wand, Cone of Cold - 45, 1.32%
Twig = 27, 0.79%
Coal = 35, 0.02%
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3,200 Purple Coins Turned in
Recipe 1 = 211, 6.59%
Recipe 2 = 271, 8.47%
Recipe 3 = 227, 7.09%
Recipe 4 = 161, 5.03%
Recipe 5 = 160, 5.00%
Recipe 6 = 227, 7.09%
Recipe 7 = 150, 4.69%
Recipe 8 = 126, 3.94%
Recipe 9 = 142, 4.44%
Recipe 10 = 110, 3.44%
Recipe 11 = 54, 1.69%
Recipe 12 = 198, 6.19%
Recipe 13 = 166, 5.19%
Recipe 14 = 109, 3.41%
Recipe 15 = 302, 9.44%
Recipe 16 = 143, 4.47%
Recipe 17 = 92, 2.88%
Recipe 18 = 108, 3.38%
Recipe 19 = 106, 3.31%
Recipe 20 = 104, 3.25%
Candy Canes = 217, 6.78%
Trinket = 61, 1.91%
Potion, Haste = 249, 7.78%
Potion, Jump = 264, 8.25%
Potion, Chill Shield = 255, 7.97%
Potion, Resist Fire = 249, 7.78%
Potion, Protection Fire = 263, 8.22%
Potion, Frostbite = 202, 6.31%
Potion, superior Freeze = 242, 7.56%
Potion, Feather Fall = 240, 7.50%
Motes = 2108.22 winter motes per 100 purple coins
Max number of motes per purple coin = 40 winter motes
Scroll, Niacs - 100, 3.13%
Scroll, Snowballs - 138, 4.31%
Scroll, Frost Lance - 132, 4.13%
Scroll, Ice Storm - 154, 4.81%
Scroll, Cone of Cold - 130, 4.06%
Scroll, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - 150, 4.69%
Scroll, Polar Ray - 140, 4.38%
Wand, Niacs - 205, 6.41%
Wand, Ice Storm - 60, 1.88%
Wand, Cone of Cold - 57, 1.78%
Twig = 68, 2.13%
Coal = 61, 1.91%