Do you need to have a high bluff to single pull mobs in EE content?
If one does not have a class that pushes bluff up to 23 is it still possible to get it high enough?
Do you need to have a high bluff to single pull mobs in EE content?
If one does not have a class that pushes bluff up to 23 is it still possible to get it high enough?
Thando, Aarag, Keallen, Kuthroat, Sureshott, Skullcrusher
You don't need to successfully bluff a mob to pull it. You might not have enough Hide/MS, though (can't remember if it is necessary or just helpful)
any confirmation on whether you have to invest points in bluff to be able to single pull mobs in epic content?
Thando, Aarag, Keallen, Kuthroat, Sureshott, Skullcrusher
Probably, depending on the mob. Bluff DCs vary, generally by the CR of the mob.
For specifics, the last time I remember using bluff in an EE quest, I failed a few attempts with low 60s (59 + low single-digit rolls) and succeeded with a follow-up attempt in the high 60s-70 - that was against a CR 49 monster. Against some lower-level enemies, I succeeded even without my +15 bluff item equipped, but I couldn't tell you the exact numbers on those.