Just wondering if these feats are worth while on a twf. My plan is Elf Scimy Kensai Fury as main Destiny twisting in Momentum swing, Legendary Tactics (Stunning Blow/Trip) and Brace For Impact.
Just wondering if these feats are worth while on a twf. My plan is Elf Scimy Kensai Fury as main Destiny twisting in Momentum swing, Legendary Tactics (Stunning Blow/Trip) and Brace For Impact.
AoK - Sasi Jdollar Jonnydrama Hawtty Megah
Cleave and Great Cleave, in themselves, are underwhelming on a TWF. However! They're are prerequisites for Overwhelming Critical, so are very worth fitting in if at all possible.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Even with TWF, cleave, great cleave and lay waste are very powerful when swarmed by hordes of enemies and weilding weapon with chance to proc AoE attack (like fiery detonation or greater sunburst).
Also, as prerequesites for overwhelming critical they're very important if you can fit them inside your build.
Try the http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Fang_of_Siberys.
I'm currently levelling a monk/druid/fighter and I'm hoping that Fang x2 + TWF + Celerity + Haste Boost + Fatal Harrier will prove to have the AoE damage output that I expect it to have.
On topic: I will also slot cleave/great cleave/ lay waste on that character for more AoE goodness.
Main reason to include is OC if you don't plan on using OC your should reconsider this.
Im going to be using a +7 Festival Icy Burst, Flaming Burst Scimitar of 1000 Suns (Coruscating, Greater Sunburst, Holy Burst) paired with a Drow Scimitar (Stunning +10) in my offhand
AoK - Sasi Jdollar Jonnydrama Hawtty Megah
I took them as a TWF fighter last life for just OC but they were fun to play with and did more dmg than I expected.
Doing a TWF melee druid Elemental now and at level 17 I am seeing some very nice numbers from esp. great cleave.
Argo: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir