(NOTE: Most of the stuff listed below I do not know the price of it. Offer a price, Ill look around and see if its around what its going for.
If you have something that you think I might want and there is something you want on my WTS list then please, ask for a trade. I may take it and just flip it to someone else.)
Bunch of Greater Essences - 2600 Total
Archair Device
Tome of Legend I (3)
Tome of Legend 6
Epic Scrolls:
Elders Focus
Necklace of Azure Prophecy
Templars Bulwark
Hyena Claw Necklace
Elyd Edge
Ironweave Robe
Midnight greetings
Deneith heavy Chain
Winters Wraith
Cloak of the Silver Concord (2)
Kundarak Warding Shield (2)
Chimeras Fang (3)
Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
Chimeras Crown
helm of the Mroranon (4)
Spectral Gloves (3)
Kundarak delving Suit (2)
Templars Retribution
Fury of the Flame
Golder Greavers
Doublecross Bow
Luminous Truth
Cape of the Rock
Gloves of the Claw
Belt of the Mroranon
(In order of Want (Most Wanted at top)
Greensteel Heavy Repeating Crossbow
Raid Timer Bypasses
Planar Focus of Erudition w/ 3 insightful wisdom
Finger Necklace
Ring of Spell Storing
Best way to contact me is to send a tell to nyreb, the second best way is to send mail to nyreb, and the the least best is to PM here.