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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Build a DPS Wolf Druid - Two Variants

    The way to build an <b>effective</b> dps wolf druid: There are two ways that I know of:

    VARIANT (1)
    Half-elf rogue dilentantte, shadowdancer final ED
    Do this for:
    - For winterwolf form (+30% native attack speed)
    - For Master of Thunder (Air stance +12.5attack spd & 7.5% doublestrike (
    - Monk Ninja Spy II for +2d6 sneak attack
    - For Unarmed Strike +2.5[w] (lvl12 monk)
    For this build, you do not take Shield Mastery or Imp Shield Mastery. You have to stay centered which means you can't wear shield. Also note that you lose Nature's Warrior Prestige Enhancement that gives 2d6 (+2d6 if under 50%) sneakdmg.

    VARIANT (2)
    Half-elf rogue dilentantte, shadowdancer final ED
    Pure druid for capstone which is an extra +2d6 sneakattack, you get Mass Heal, a non-gimped mana pool, and brings spell cooldown back to 1.5 second while in wolf form. (which is invaluable). Also greater creeping cold is part of your damage too. (I fit a maximize feat in, but this is optional. You can grab empowered healing instead if u like). This build is lower dps than Variant (1).

    The point is to maximize attack speed & doublestrikes in order to achieve maximum number of sneak attacks.
    For Build (2), You want Maxed Bluff (dont dump charisma completely) and bluff in tandem with your pet wolf (which is wearing a +8 cha item & +4 cha from Pack Aptitude & Augment Summoning). And make sure you look after your wolf (w/ heals) and keep him out of trouble (do not aggressive stance in EE and then not keep an eye on it).

    The greatest weakness of Wolf Form is that you are stuck at 1d10 forever. This cannot be improved by equipping epic weapons. Also you cannot reach 70+ Strength like the Barbarians can. So even with the x3 crit multiplier, you're not going to ever see 8000 crits. You simply do not have the base attack damage even Close to Fighter/Barbs. So you have to play to your form's strengths, which is extreme fast attack speed/doublestrikes and sneak attacks.

    Shadowdancer also has 5% on-hit to make mob vulnerable to sneakattack, EVEN IF HE IS IMMUNE (which is key!)
    This together with Bluff gives you fulltime sneakattack damage. Most of the abilities on the shadowdancer tree are unuseable to you (requires INT). So just forget them.

    For Build (1), put all your stat allocation to wisdom.
    For Build (2), put all your stat allocation to wisdom (and switch to strength once u hit EE. Because DC doesn't matter once you are in EE)

    I'm not too big of a fan of stunning blow, maybe someone can give a few tips on how to get it to effective DC in epic elite?

    Compulsory Feats for Variant (1) Only:
    3x natural fighting +18% doublestrike total
    IC: Bludgeon
    Edit: Stunning Fist added

    Compulsory Feats for Variant (2) Only:
    Shield mastery +3% doublestrike with sheild equipped
    improved sheild mastery +5% additional for a total of +8% sheild mastery doublestrike
    3x natural fighting +18% doublestrike total
    IC: Bludgeon (gives 20 free mana constantly)
    Augment Summoning (Non-compulsory)

    Note: Do not take Two Weapon Fighting feats.
    Note2: I've seen the 17druid/2monk/1fighter or 18druid/2monk variants. Not really a fan of it because 18 druid makes your pet useless (which is a primary source of bluff). Evasion is useless unless you have the reflex for it, which you don't. Power Attack is not a substantial upgrade for this build. you want all of your attacks to land 100% of the time for maximum sneak attack damage. The only martial feat I consider worth taking is Mobility in order to get Spring Attack. What little benefit you are left with from taking 2monk levels is offset by not being able to take Shield Mastery and Imp Shield Mastery and losing a HUGE chunk of your mana pool.
    Note3: Do not take cleave.

    For Epic Destiny Twists:
    If you are Variant(1), take Orchid Blossom & Lily Petal which will increase your damage Dramatically! <--- nothing even comes close.

    There is Legendary Shield Mastery from Unyielding Sentinel for +6% doublestrike.

    You could take Haste Boost from Legendary Dreadnaught, but it's not really my playstyle because you lose a round and it only has 5 uses.

    Grandmaster of Flowers has TWO +3% doublestrike twists (pretty lackluster).

    Just take something that matches playstyle and switch around depending on which dungeon you are doing.

    These ideas were originally from hermespan which I got a lot of advice from.

    Variant (1) is much higher dps but slightly lower survivability imo (but has higher saves & imp. evasion & stunning fist). You bring sleet storm.
    Variant (2) is lower dps but higher survivability imo. It is a team player build because you can keep mass heal on your melee friends (thanks to Constant Supply of free +20mana on crit). The earthquake only works in EH. Also you bring lots of sleet storm. Also it is possible (or even desirable?) to take both Orchid Blossom & Lily Petal but your 3rd twist MUST be the +45 ki T1 ability from grandmaster.

    Please don't forget even a 12monk/8druid has FoM & Sleet Storm!
    Any tips graciously welcomed.
    Last edited by Chobo; 01-28-2013 at 02:56 AM.

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