The description says it adds to saves, but I only see my Reflex save go up when I cast it. WAI?
The description says it adds to saves, but I only see my Reflex save go up when I cast it. WAI?
Anál nathrach
orth’ bháis’s bethad
do chél dénmha
do you have items already adding to tour fort and will saves? the spell and items are the same type of bonus so they won't stack if you already have an item bonus
Yes I have a general resistance item that out weighs any benefit that I should be getting from NS. I only have it for the Magic Missle defense. I was surprised to see any benefit to saves and thought they may have made it stackable, but it wasn't working right. It isn't, but for the opposite reason. Thanks for the info.
Anál nathrach
orth’ bháis’s bethad
do chél dénmha
Well its another case of Lazy Devs.
Its ****ed up since introduction from what i hear, only play bit more then a year.
thats how it is:
(always described as stacking or not with Resistance +1-x)
+3 Fortitude does not stack
+3 Reflex stacks
+3 Will does not stack
Single Save Enchants
+x Fortitude (enchant) stacks
+x Reflex (enchant) does not stack
+x Will (enchant) stacks
So from player view there is no saying which is WAI,
could be either way or just completely ****ed up..
ps another nice example for this ****ed up situation is Ring of the Mire
its +4 Fortitude Stacks so from only a Saves point of view the normal item is better then the +3 Epic Fortitude from the Epic version.
And yes you can use 2 Rings of the Mire (1normal1epic) for +7 Fortitude but does not make much sense
Last edited by Daemoneyes; 01-27-2013 at 10:29 AM.
Taenebrae, Daemonsoul, Daemoneyes and Daemonheart of Argonessen
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