I mean really.
Were you guys not able to become dentists but still feel you must inflict pain on the general populace?
tl;dr; whatever; Me no like.![]()
Because they missed the point about why a lot of the original Cove gear was good to begin with.
Because that's why you can't have nice things.
The BTC monkey in the basement got hold of it and the conspiracy gnome see another personal bank increase in the future.
I don't get it either. It's becoming increasingly attractive to TR the same char over and over for free rather than buy additional character slots/tomes of learning/etc: saves on money and grind.
a savvy player who is TRing repeatidly the same character plans their TR's around the gear as much as anything. Things like Endless Flask of Rum - (Heal + Restoration) in a clickie - work for just about any build. If you have too much junk - then well, time for spring cleaning and a fire sale.
I like BtA better - but I know that BtC is a fact of life.
I can also see a new item in the store for 150 TP - something that makes a BtC item BtA for one hour.
I don't mind it, personally. But I'm not an alt-o-holic. At least the ingredients are BtA, right? So just farm with your easy button character and transfer the mats to whomever you want to end up with the loot.
That's a horrendous change; an absolutely terrible idea, particularly for the <L20 loot. If I can't use it on multiple characters as they pass variously through a particular level range, I won't waste my time on it. The entire point of the Cove gear, for me, is that you can pass it around from toon to toon; something I do all the time.
I was an avid Cove runner - notorious for it in some circles, in fact - but this pretty much kills the event for me. If, for instance, a L12 item I might have made one of to Tier III is now BtC instead of BtA, I'm not going to make multiples of them for up-and-coming toons, I'm going to make none at all, because the result of the cost/benefit equation just took a nose-dive. How does that help anyone?
The best loot in CC was always the best because it was useful to multiple toons, not because it was best-in-slot. Given the number of runs it takes to fully upgrade an item, my give-a-**** factor with regard to Crystal Cove just plummeted close to zero.
Crime in multi-storey car parks: it's wrong on so many levels.
So, they changed all the cove stuff to BTC?
Why on earth would they do that when they KNOW the reason the cove was so awesome was that you COULD pass stuff?
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
So when a DEV finally gets around to answering this, IF this gets ported to the live environment is the existing CC equipment going to be automatically updated to BTC as well? I (and I'm sure others) need to know as currently non of my toons are at a level (either too low or two high) to use most the CC stuff I have from prior events and all my CC gear is on a bank toon currently, I would really hate for it to get stuck there permanently on patch day.
I'm a VIP, spent way too much money on TP over christmas as I was TRing/soloing, and a I have 3 more toons I want to run through a TR this spring, and honestly a change like this would force me to reconsider a lot of plans.
BTC is rooted in the dev's responsibility to their bosses to keep us playing, and that mechanism for mmo's is grinding. I also would worry that if they ever did take btc out, which I kinda doubt for the previous purpose, it would result in a less friendly sharing of loot (which really does happen, and often, just people aren't motivated to come to the forum to write about like they are when there is unpleasant loot drama).
And in some things it makes sense, like commendatins. If I do something awesome for bob, my friend andy can't cash in on bob's good feelings for me, or unrelated dude over there who heard about it. So if Turtel earns the commendation, which in the game world is a sort of 'job well done' head nod, so my toon Turtley can't cash in on it.
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
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Well there's a stick in the eye if i've ever seen one![]()
wait so all of the loot is btc now? I can see if it was a fully upgraded lvl24 item, but binding anything below that is just ****ed up. One of the key reasons to run crystal cove was the fact that they were bta items.
Stop jumping on high horses.
Only the new items seems to be BtC. All the rest is still BtA.
I just checked and the box says the items are BtA...
I just checked and my BtA Cove items are still BtA....
Seems most have understood that BtC was wrong and changing BtA to BtC was a killer. ( remember they tried it on the Cove Items at least once )
We still need to teach those that didn't understand the previous times though.
Last edited by Flavilandile; 01-25-2013 at 11:38 AM.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
But if you need to upgrade your Tier I to Tier II - my guess is that it will change its status. Seems to me they did that before too, I just can't recall, atm, what it was for ...
So, sure, if you have your items and they are done, great, you get 'grandfathered' in. Quite the 'unfortunate' turn of events for all the players who have never seen Cove (what's it been? 8 months?) or you happened to miss it ... So for new players and players who had limited exposure to it last year and could not finish their gear, this could be very bad.
Last edited by Hafeal; 01-25-2013 at 02:21 PM.
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From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
Well, how many times now have they 'fixed' something by altering the descriptions instead of actually fixing it?
You keep on hoping and supposing. I hope you're right, I really do.
Also, until we hear from a developer, we don't know that anything is being grandfathered yet.
BtA = more flexibility, more use, more incentive to make more characters.
If I get a super duper BtA item that I want to try, well then I'll make a character. Don't have a slot? No problem. Money well spent. Don't have that race? no problem. Money well spent.
But to have a handful of characters that have loot tied to them and ONLY them?
It discourages all the above for me.
I won't TR a guy just because I found some cool loot and want to try it out.
But I WILL make a first lifer, and vet status them so I can play with my new toy unless I don't have any character slots open.
Here's an example: I have a sorceror that I made into my crafter. Most of his good stuff is BtC. I have an artificer I made some time later. A good portion of her stuff is BtC.
If those items were BtA, Turbine would get from me: a purchase of 2 true hearts so I could TR my crafter into an Arti.
As things stand now, I look at my unfun Artificer and just sigh. No way I'm going to grind Cannith crafting up to 100 on another character. No way I'm going to regrind all that gear I ALREADY HAVE when I could just swap it between characters.
So there is a very specific example of how Turbine is losing money from me by making items BtC.
Instead of sales they could have had, I am going to delete my artificer, and just keep my sorceror as my crafter. Now I have a free character slot. Boom, yeah Turbine just lost more $$ I actually wanted to spend.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude