Hay peps!
I posted these thoughts in another thread talking about if the Dragontouched armor should have slots
- but I thought the AC/Max Dex spec are different enough to start their own thread
As it stands today (on live and Lamannia) - when you compare the +5 verson of the new armor tiers - random loot and or crafted armors as better in most cases (given AC and the new Dodge, etc...)
I would like so see the base stats updated to something like out lined below..
Current LV 16 Dragon Touched
Type AC Max Dex
Light 11 11
Medium 17 5
Heavy 22 1
Mithral Docent 7 ?
Adam. Docent 16 ?
LV 16 Spiritcrafted/Mountedplate
Type AC Max Dex
+5 Light Leather 7 15
+5 Light Chain 14 12
+5 Scalemail 16 11
+5 Breastplate 19 7
+5 Half Plate 22 6
+5 Full Plate 25 2
Updated LV 16 Dragon Touched
Type AC Max Dex
Light 14 12
Medium 19 8
Heavy 24 4
Mithral Docent 12 8
Adam. Docent 17 4
(sorry for poor format - missing info from Docents - but you get the idea)