Quote Originally Posted by Alternative View Post
if you don't have quicken in EEs you're useless and dead, below that doesn't matter what you have
In epic hard im a palemaster demigod but in the Epic Elite im a stone in someones backpack not worth ressing , i dont need quicken in epic hard because they cant kill me and in Epic Elite my quicken doesnt matter at all because i die in a blink , 2 blinks if i accidently hit my NEB.

I think its a matter of gameplay also , but if you played a pm for 25 levels or even TR so you played the class in lets say 44-50 levels, you know when to hit hold monsters/charm or a dance or wail before "oh ****" happens.

with that said , when i play my sorcerer and after that log my pm i can feel the use for quicken just because i like the fast casting , but we wizzez are low on sp and dont want to drain the sp pool on useless things.

A feature that i use maybe once or twice per week or month are useless , but that just me

regards Mirvar