Member of Starfleet
Fudder Partyshield, Ragnirock
Thelanis crashed, imagine that
Which takes a lot for me to run out there - just before reaching Splinterskull, server crashes - BAH!
"Melkorr (Completionist "Toaster of Vengeance") ~ Angrond (TWF Jugg) ~ Telchacar ~ Celebrimor (Bank) ~ Manados
Officer of The Innfellows
Seriously... I think Acute Delirium is crashing the server...
I almost never run this quest... the 3 last times I ran it, it crashed... leaving only party chat online for a minute and then server crashed.
3 times on different days/month.
Devs? Is it possible somehow?
Sent Tolero a tweet... Hjelp!
"The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves." Niccolò Machiavelli
Thelanis: Arbix Completionist (23rd Life), ArbySoul, ArbyBarb, ArbyPriest, Arbificer etc.
I wonder if the cost would be worth it from turbine points not being purchased to just have some IT guy hanging out by the Thelanis server machines. He has no other job but to hit the power off and power on button when the server go down, or whatever magic IT people do.
Member of Starfleet
Fudder Partyshield, Ragnirock
Maybe someone forgot to feed the gerbil again.