After having seen my homeland in Forgotten Realms again, I feel the urge to subject to a mighty artifact I hold in my possessions. They warned me its usage will kill me, but if all I heard is true, I will be reborn... and return even stronger to foil Llolths plans.
Even though the pure spellsinger bard build was efficient in a lots of ways, and really fun to play, I feel it is time to move on. I have managed to farm a lot of not-easily obtainable gear of all sorts and have really nothing else to do on this life. Not to seem to be overly content about the build, there were flaws in it... a lot of them to tell the truth. I will try to avoid them next time. The worst flaws to get rid of for next life were the lack of any reasonable ranged damage output, poor choice of weapons that could be used (I used Charisma modifier to attack and damage) and too low strength to reliably use SF pots (drinking one made me encumbered with slowed movement, not a nice thing in stress condition!).
The next move will be an arcane archer bard. I love elves. I really do. And with the addition of Epic Destinies and simpler availability of higher level tomes, the major reason of why not to select elf, the con penalty, is pretty much obsolete. There should be no problems getting close to 700 hp at cap without HP-boosting ED, and this is the amount which is pretty sufficient on a self-healing ranged DPSer.
Tirain Hawksong, True Neutral Elven Spellsinger 16/Ranger 3/Wizard 1
Stats (34-pts build)
STR 41 = 16 (base) + 6 (level-ups) + 2 (tome) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 7 (item) + 2 (insightful) + 2 (rage) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
DEX 37 = 17 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (enhancements) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 7 (item) + 2 (insightful) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
CON 34 = 14 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 7 (item) + 2 (insightful) + 2 (rage) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
INT 25 = 10 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 6 (item) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
WIS 24 = 8 (base) + 2 (tome) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 6 (item) + 2 (insightful) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
CHA 32 = 12 (base) + 3 (tome) + 1 (enhancements) + 2 (ship buff) + 1 (litany) + 7 (item) + 3 (exceptional) + 2 (inspire excellence) + 1 (Fatesinger ED)
Please note some numbers are odd - the item setup counts with just the items and tomes I have available right now. With U17 a lot of new things will appear and it will be easier to get +8 stat/+3 insightful stat to get a point or two higher here and there... also counts only with tomes I have currently available.
For 32-pts build, drop Intelligence by 2, Move Silently is really NOT that important.
Feats and levelling:
1: Point Blank Shot
2: Bow Strength (Ranger bonus)
3: Weapon Focus: Ranged
6: Maximize Spell
7: Rapid Shot (Ranger Bonus), Two Weapon Fighting (Ranger Bonus)
9: Manyshot, Extend Spell (Wizard Bonus)
12: Improved Critical: Ranged
15: Quicken Spell
18: Toughness
21: Inspire Excellence
24: Combat Archery (if I lay down my hands on +4 Dex tome by that time)
23 ranks of Balance, Concentration, Haggle, Move Silently, Perform and Use Magic Device;
1 rank of Tumble
8 ranks in Hide
UMD is above 50 total, enough for everything important. Perform caps at approx. 70, Haggle on 62 without item switch (possible to get it to 72 with item switch easilly)
Arcane Archer Conjure Arrows IV
Arcane Archer Imbue Arrows VI
Bard Charisma I
Bard Energy of the Music III
Bard Extra Song I
Bard Inspired Attack II
Bard Inspired Damage III
Bard Lingering Song III
Bard Lyric of Song II
Bard Song Magic III
Bard Spellsinger II
Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Elf: Arcane Archer
Elven Dexterity I
Elven Arcanum III
Improved Concentration II
Racial Toughness II
Ranger Dexterity I
Ranger Skill Boost I
Ranger Sprint Boost I
Wizard Ice Manipulation I (for augmenting twisted Sorc ED bursts)
HP breakthrough:
681 = 20 (base) + 96 (bard) + 4 (wizard) + 24 (ranger) + 325 (constitution) + 27 (toughness feat) + 20 (toughness enhancements) + 40 (superior false life on Cove hat) + 20 (toughness item) + 10 (argo favor) + 45 (GS item) + 50 (epic levels)
Over 1600, with 10% discount on spell costs, SP replenishment, Torc + ConOp.
Fort 40, Will 39, Reflex 46.
Other defenses are DR 10/Good, Displacement, Ghostly, Dodge 13%, AC around 60
Healing Amplification: 171.6%
I won't post all of the items for the build as it will use a lot of swaps, suffice to say I have acquired everything important for the build (GS HP item, GS SP Con-Op item, Torc, Red dragonhide, Pinion, quite a few epic things, Litany of the Dead, Upgraded Quiver of Alacrity, ...).
Now... what do you think? Any suggestions? Any input is welcome!