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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default WIS or STR-based?

    I have a Human wolf druid that I've been leveling recently, with plans to end at 17 Druid/2 Rogue/1 Fighter. I melee more than I cast, but went WIS-based initially to help with tactics spells and CC like Earthquake. But thinking about endgame, I'm starting to wonder whether it's even worth bothering with DCs on a first-life druid sporting mostly melee gear. Feats are mainly along the lines of maximizing double-strike for S&B in form.

    Since I'll be respeccing at cap to fix a couple things, should I just switch to STR-based or stay with WIS-based?
    Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
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  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I've leveled both STR- and WIS-based druids and so far I've had more fun with WIS-based. Even as a shapeshifter, it seems like the most fun abilities have DCs (i.e., Takedown, Cold Breath, Tremor, Earthquake, etc.). Then again, even as STR-based, you still have a couple of decent options for no-save caster DPS, namely Ice Storm and Creeping Cold. I haven't made it to epics with one yet, so I'd like to hear what people find more useful too.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I've leveled both STR- and WIS-based druids and so far I've had more fun with WIS-based. Even as a shapeshifter, it seems like the most fun abilities have DCs (i.e., Takedown, Cold Breath, Tremor, Earthquake, etc.). Then again, even as STR-based, you still have a couple of decent options for no-save caster DPS, namely Ice Storm and Creeping Cold. I haven't made it to epics with one yet, so I'd like to hear what people find more useful too.
    Yeah, I've liked the DC-based stuff while leveling. I'm mainly concerned that a high-30s, low-40s DC (albeit without ED twists) will be mostly useless in epics. I'm definitely staying WIS-based till 20.
    Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
    Theologians don't know nothin' about my soul.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vissarion View Post
    I have a Human wolf druid that I've been leveling recently, with plans to end at 17 Druid/2 Rogue/1 Fighter. I melee more than I cast, but went WIS-based initially to help with tactics spells and CC like Earthquake. But thinking about endgame, I'm starting to wonder whether it's even worth bothering with DCs on a first-life druid sporting mostly melee gear. Feats are mainly along the lines of maximizing double-strike for S&B in form.

    Since I'll be respeccing at cap to fix a couple things, should I just switch to STR-based or stay with WIS-based?
    For leveling you should always go Wisdom, because earthquake is very powerful on heroic elite.

    When you reach epic levels, a wolf form druid that didn't gimp wisdom has an earthquake that works well in epic hard. In epic elite, Id go strength because non-specialized DC means nothing in epic elite. You must specialize in EE (and min-max it even)... Unless you want a slightly expanded mana bar to help with heals, I'd go strength once you are ready for epic elite.

  5. #5
    Community Member Purkilius's Avatar
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    Well I am doing a strength based human with 2 monk and 1 fighter splash and staying in elemental form, first fire then water at cap almost lvl 17 now.

    Doing elite streak for the first time and things are going surprisingly smooth, the body of the sun is doing amazing dmg as well as other spells and the self healing is amazing just wished I had more sp but having a torc and con op helps.

    I am having so much fun with this that I am planning a second melee Druid life but with 2 fighter and 1 barb splash.
    Argo: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir

  6. #6
    Community Member Mrphish's Avatar
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    My wolf druid is human wisdom based, and i find it immensely useful. infact last night i was the only cc in EH crono and kept everything locked down pretty well. while leveling i did try being strength based for a couple levels but i personally didn't enjoy it because it didn't really allow me to play the way i like to. which is lock mobs down with earthquake terror and snow slide then attack and help keep people topped off with mass regen and vigors, but with my dc's being much lower it felt severely lacking.

    But i think it all depends on your playstyle and the content you plan on running, if you prefer to cast spells and melee and enjoy soloing then wisdom is the way to go, if you'd rather just melee and only cast spells for buffs and heals then going strength based with some variation of a multi-classing would serve you well.

    My expirences are based on a 34 point human pure druid, they may be different on a first life splashed build though.
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