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  1. #1
    Community Member Marmaduke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Why do my character sometimes take an eternity to initially load the world?

    I am so tired of this... Sometimes, my character will load near instantly (10-15 seconds). And, more often than not, I'm stuck looking at a mangled UI and slow-motion feedback for a good 2-3 minutes. This is just on initial loading of the character and I'm certain that I cannot be the only one experiencing this ridiculousness.

    I'm running DDO off an SSD and I only reinstalled the client a week or two ago. I've messed with the texture cache settings to no avail. I'm wondering if there's anything proven to help resolve this randomly long character loading?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Things I've found effect initial load times:

    • Location - Bars generally have lower load times then general public areas. Also Ships generally have a single spawn point for logging in which means that if multiple people are logging in at the same time it could cause delay. Best location are low population bars - Avoid Phoenix and Lobster as PvP pits generally have some draw.
    • Stances/Buffs/Equipment - While normally not a problem this can contribute to delay especially when calculating UMD by-pass

    I find "Parking" in low populated areas and not on common Load in points helps keep long initial logins to a minimum

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