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  1. #1
    Community Member WestiesMA's Avatar
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    Question Upgrading Old GH Items

    Ok I have run all around the new GH area, and I have run several E quests without a seal, shard or scroll dropping - how do I upgrade my non-epic GH items to their epic versions? The new relics or scales? Where do I do the upgrade?

    Thanks - I searched for this and did not find an answer!

    Aylianna * Aylamarran * Callwynn * Sellia

  2. #2
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Ok I have run all around the new GH area, and I have run several E quests without a seal, shard or scroll dropping - how do I upgrade my non-epic GH items to their epic versions? The new relics or scales? Where do I do the upgrade?

    Thanks - I searched for this and did not find an answer!
    The classic system of Epic items is done. They are no longer going to do it that way, aside from the adventure packs that already have it. Instead of the old way, they have created a way for epic items to have 3 different versions. The best version of it comes from running Epic Elite, just like all the Eveningstar Epic content. So if you want the epic versions, you have to run the epic quests and pull them as loot.

    The new relics are received from the epic quests, and the flawless scales are from running Epic Tor.
    Last edited by Musouka; 01-21-2013 at 12:30 PM.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  3. #3
    Hero JJMC895610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Ok I have run all around the new GH area, and I have run several E quests without a seal, shard or scroll dropping - how do I upgrade my non-epic GH items to their epic versions? The new relics or scales? Where do I do the upgrade
    The seal/shard/scroll method is not being used. The epic versions drop in the epic raid/quests.
    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I knew i should have actually tested this.

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  4. #4
    Community Member WestiesMA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    The classic system of Epic items is done. They are no longer going to do it that way, aside from the adventure packs that already have it. Instead of the old way, they have created a way for epic items to have 3 different versions. The best version of it comes from running Epic Elite, just like all the Eveningstar Epic content. So if you want the epic versions, you have to run the epic quests and pull them as loot.

    The new relics are received from the epic quests, and the flawless scales are from running Epic Tor.
    Thank you for your answer - So I can throw away all my current GH items they will be useless? If I want an EE Kardin's Eye I will have to grind for it?

    I thought the Eveningstar epic system was just because it is a different area, and not because it is a new overall system. Can I stop grinding for my Epic Spell Storing Ring seal now also?

    Aylianna * Aylamarran * Callwynn * Sellia

  5. #5
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Thank you for your answer - So I can throw away all my current GH items they will be useless? If I want an EE Kardin's Eye I will have to grind for it?

    I thought the Eveningstar epic system was just because it is a different area, and not because it is a new overall system. Can I stop grinding for my Epic Spell Storing Ring seal now also?
    Don't stop grinding for Epic Spell Storing Ring. Like I wrote, older Epics are going to remain unchanged aside from the loss of the old Epic Augment Slots being changed to adapt to the new augment system.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  6. #6
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Thank you for your answer - So I can throw away all my current GH items they will be useless?
    They aren't useless, they just aren't base items anymore. You can still use them.

    Now, you may want to grind for all new gianthold items because the new ones will have augment slots where your current ones don't.
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  7. #7
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    They aren't useless, they just aren't base items anymore. You can still use them.

    Now, you may want to grind for all new gianthold items because the new ones will have augment slots where your current ones don't.
    can you upgrade them? would the slot/slots appear if upgraded?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Thank you for your answer - So I can throw away all my current GH items they will be useless? If I want an EE Kardin's Eye I will have to grind for it?

    I thought the Eveningstar epic system was just because it is a different area, and not because it is a new overall system. Can I stop grinding for my Epic Spell Storing Ring seal now also?
    If the item is useless for you right now and the only reason you are keeping it is to see what the upgraded version might be, you can sell it since there is no upgrading of the item.

    If the item is something that you use, keep it until you farm the new heroic version and/or epic version.

    If it's a raid item, keep it, they haven't been upgraded. However, the epic version will need to be farmed.

    As for the difference in the Ebberon and Eveningstar stuff, I understand your confusion completely. The Devs don't seem to understand that they made some strict standards between Ebberon and Eveningstar stuff.

    The biggest example where the Devs ignored their own seperate designs is in the dragonscale armor. The old Red Dragonscale had multiple properties that don't appear on the Cormyrian Armor and vise versa. So do these new Epic Black/Blue/White Dragonscale Armors have Superior [insert elemental] Lore, Superior [insert Elemental] VIII, [insert elemental] Guard, Eternal [insert elemental]? Not a's not like the old Red Dragonscale Armor is 4 or 5 levels lower than the new armors though. Oh, Wait, it is...

    Quote Originally Posted by kingfisher View Post
    can you upgrade them? would the slot/slots appear if upgraded?
    You'll need to refarm any item that gains a slot.

  9. #9
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Epic items can be upgraded to the new slot format.

    Other items will have their base stats adjusted if the new one improves them.

    So if you have the Chocolate Axe on live which is 1d12+3, and Feather is upgrading it to 2d6+5, then you will automatically get the 2d6+5 without doing anything.

    If the new Chocolate Axe also gets a red slot, then that will NOT upgrade, and you will need to acquire a new Chocolate Axe to get the full version.

    There is at present no way to convert non-epic items to carry the new slots. There should be...make it expensive (like 5000 platinum or more). Not only would it make the players happy, but it acts as a very effective money sink to get some coin out of circulation.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  10. #10
    Community Member WestiesMA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    If the item is useless for you right now and the only reason you are keeping it is to see what the upgraded version might be, you can sell it since there is no upgrading of the item.

    If the item is something that you use, keep it until you farm the new heroic version and/or epic version.

    If it's a raid item, keep it, they haven't been upgraded. However, the epic version will need to be farmed.


    You'll need to refarm any item that gains a slot.
    Thank you for your clarification! Yes, I was holding onto GH stuff thinking I could just farm a scroll, seal and shard and upgrade it. I did not expect to refarm items, and it is a little annoying IMO. Are they trying to create Yet Another time sync?

    I don't understand why they don't just convert everything and not confuse people.

    Aylianna * Aylamarran * Callwynn * Sellia

  11. #11
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Thank you for your clarification! Yes, I was holding onto GH stuff thinking I could just farm a scroll, seal and shard and upgrade it. I did not expect to refarm items, and it is a little annoying IMO. Are they trying to create Yet Another time sync?

    I don't understand why they don't just convert everything and not confuse people.
    How is farming a single full epic item at the quest harder than farming the raid for a shard, the quest for the seal and spamming kills somewhere for a scroll?
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  12. #12
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    Are they trying to create Yet Another time sync?
    This is less of a time sink than the older system.
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  13. #13
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryiah View Post
    This is less of a time sink than the older system.
    I agree... to the point and the correction of spelling mistake.

    Side note: sync is short of synchronous. Look it up, it doesn't mean what you think it does.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  14. #14
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkForte View Post
    How is farming a single full epic item at the quest harder than farming the raid for a shard, the quest for the seal and spamming kills somewhere for a scroll?
    Well from personal experience I have yet to manage completions of a single old epic item while I have quite a collection now of the new epic items. So at least for me it is quite a bit easier.

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