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  1. #1
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Default gearing up my pm for next life

    so i have a fairly well geared pm.

    Right now, she is warforged and i hit about a 48-50 int.

    my dcs are ok for eh - not gonna tr ee yet on this gal

    she is necro/enchant speced

    What I want is to do a tr on herto make him flesh.

    while i like the wf durabilty, there is just too much over lap with pm abilities and wf immunities.

    I think i will go human, for the extra feat.

    any way - to the meat of the question

    I wanted to get some feedback on gear for her:

    Helm: ehelm of frost
    body: have both insightful int 3 and int 8
    neck: torc
    trinket: necro focus+2
    belt: eerie
    cloak: cloak of night -
    ring 1: ering of the mire
    gloves: gs hp item
    boots: eboots of corr
    ring2: sanuras band with +2 int
    bracers - gs conc opp
    eyes: magewright

    as you can see she needs some work

    Helm: ehelm of frost - cha item, for set. could go. thinking edarkstorm/mag helm
    body: have both insightful int 3 and int 8 - think int 8 but not sure whats better here
    neck: torc - this will stay i think. torc is very nice, and not a lot of other necklessess out there i want
    trinket: necro focus+2 - seems ok
    belt: eerie- seems ok but not the best here - thinking sun soul. right now its for nullification sp/maybe elionhead
    cloak: cloak of night - meh. didnt have anything better here - guess go for the cloak from the challanges
    ring 1: ering of the mire - i like this. extra dr/free stoneskin it works
    gloves: gs hp item - slot consolidater - nice, but maybe not the best
    boots: eboots of corr - for set and dis guard - could be changed but not sure for what
    ring2: sanuras band with +2 int - solid item - could be changed for something else with spider robes int 3
    bracers - gs conc opp - this stays - i like it. may have to rebuild it for a nother slot though
    eyes: magewright - meh. again just nothing else i like in here.

    thanks for the help in advance


  2. #2
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Dunno how fast you TR, but you may want to take epic GH into account.

  3. #3
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Dunno how fast you TR, but you may want to take epic GH into account.
    about a week to 10 days if i concentrate on a caster tr


  4. #4
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    I don't see any spell power/lore items, so will assume you're using caster sticks for that.

    Demon consort bracers are awesome, both for the demon shield and for the curse proc. You'll have to determine how much you want to get hit (on EH you want to get hit a lot, on EE not so much).

    Since you aren't thrilled with goggles slot you could go for lootgen +8 int, leaving armor open for +3 insightful. Could also put +8 int in ring slot in place of Sanura's. There seem to be a lot of effects missing.. what're you using you epic augment slots for?

  5. #5
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inouk View Post
    I don't see any spell power/lore items, so will assume you're using caster sticks for that.

    Demon consort bracers are awesome, both for the demon shield and for the curse proc. You'll have to determine how much you want to get hit (on EH you want to get hit a lot, on EE not so much).

    Since you aren't thrilled with goggles slot you could go for lootgen +8 int, leaving armor open for +3 insightful. Could also put +8 int in ring slot in place of Sanura's. There seem to be a lot of effects missing.. what're you using you epic augment slots for?
    hmm lemme see -

    actually dont have acid lore or elec lore so i could look for that - only aug i have filled has been blue on my docent/robe with heavy fort.

    thanks for the ideas


  6. #6
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    BTW, I'm in a similar position. I have a 25 wiz who I am ready to do a gear overhaul on. Currently I have this:
    neck: torc
    goggles: GS con-op (blindness + 35 HP)
    helm: minos
    trinket: swap (cunning, voice, 33% fire absorb)
    cloak: GS 3/pos (10hp, 150 SP)
    belt: crafted +6str +13balance +med guild slot (hp)
    ring1: crafted greater enchant focus / +5 resistance
    ring2: epic ring of elemental essence (+6 con slotted)
    boots: propulsion (anchoring swap)
    gloves: bramble casters
    bracers: demon consort
    armor: robe of shadows
    hand1: GS +6/+1/+2 int
    hand2: 120 glaciation of cold mastery

    Short term plan:

    neck: torc
    goggles: +8 int + 13 spot loot gen
    helm: GS con-op (blindness + 150 SP)
    trinket: swap (cunning, voice, 33% fire absorb)
    cloak: GS min II (45 HP)
    belt: crafted +6str +GFL + med guild slot (hp)
    ring1: crafted greater enchant focus / ?
    ring2: epic ring of elemental essence (+1 int slotted)
    boots: +8 con/+13 balance loot gen (propulsion/anchoring swap)
    gloves: bramble casters
    bracers: demon consort
    armor: spidersilk (+3 int)
    hands: staff of the necromancer (swap caster sticks for nuking)

    *Edit: I already acquired the goggles and spidersilk for reference, so this is a low effort swap (sort of)*

    Lots of alternatives, like moving GS cloak/helm to boots/gloves and using epic darkstorm helm + adamantine cloak of dragon (moving CON to ring)/epic envenomed. Or.... getting +3 int planar focus + level 24 mabar robes +GS helm and cloak. But the alternatives are all more farm-intensive. I've never run Abbot, so Litany seems like a pipe-dream. For even less farm I could replicate my current goggles in helm slot, leave my cloak alone, and put heavy fort on ring1, but I have a feeling for consolidation I will want the minII eventually anyway (still not sure I want it in cloak).
    Last edited by Inouk; 01-20-2013 at 01:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Seems in gianthold the (edit: new epic) blue dragon helm can be nice for casters, would be a good replacement for the helm of frost which is a bit dated. The +2 necro focus trinket seems out of place, either use a planar focus (+3 insightful int, frees robe for lvl 24 mabar which has +3 necro focus) or litany (I dont have one). Staff of the necromancer also has +3 necro focus but will reduce your elemental damage. Id drop the ToD belt, and either get a con+8 one or an epic lion-headed (my wiz is still using the normal version). You can get +8 int random loot in goggle slot if you got spellpen elsewhere.

    For leveling, I recommend making lvl 16 cannith challenge gear, upgrade it and reduce min lvl by 2... I used the boots and the tunic until lvl 20 when I swapped to mabar robe. But if youre TRing in 10 days, I guess leveling gear wont matter much.

    my PMs gear setup (you shouldnt copy it because I have different GS slots)

    trinket: +8 int planar focus (want +3 insightful int, bauble, voice, and phiarlan as swaps)
    goggles: Magewrights (for spellpen and concentration)
    neck: torc (twisted talisman as swap)
    cloak: lvl 24 dragon cloak (+2 all spell foci)
    body: lvl 24 mabar robe
    belt: lion headed (want to epify this but hard to get seal/shard)
    boots: cannith boots of propulsion (rock boots as swap against cold immunes/slippery surfaces)
    gloves: Min II sp GS (pos/pos/air raise clicky with +6 cha skills as swap)
    helm: con-op hp GS, cleansed
    bracers: twisting shade for resistance saves (not happy with these, got them when I swapped out my resistance cloak for dragon cloak and didnt need enchantment focus bracers anymore, might replace them with bracers of wind once you can slot +6 resistance into the new slots)
    ring 1: ToD +1 exc int +2 insightful con
    ring 2: ToD +1 exc con +2 insightful int (will swap for +8 int once I get a +3 insightful focus, exc con might get into 2nd bracers slot or belt slot)

    weapon: lvl 24 glaciation of cold mastery
    shield: fanion (no spell failure, archmagi)

    current problems:
    only +4 con
    no +3 insightful int
    no arcane augmentation
    no crit chance except cold and negative, acid on swap will lose striding/ff
    Last edited by tekkentroop; 01-20-2013 at 05:34 PM.

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