It's been a long time since I've posted here, I took nearly a 3 year break from DDO. One of my favorite characters to play was my old 16 Favored Soul/2 Monk/2 Paladin. This character could achieve:
Good AC (not great)
Very good Saves (40/40/43 at 20 self buffed)
Decent melee (used shortswords)
Fairly good at healing (missing mass heal)
Fairly good at spells (Wisdom was 33, has Destruction, Blade Barrier, Greater Command)
The character was fairly durable back at 20, but times have changed. The character is fairly gear intensive. My question is, is this viable in today's environment with epic levels and destinies? I really liked the feel of the build, being pretty good at one or two things, but decent at a lot of things while having fairly high survivability. The game has changed so much now, that I dont know if that would still be the case today. Thoughts?