EDIT: Discontinued. Will be hosting instead at 4:00pm EST.
I used to host a PuG elite Shroud every night when that was semi-interesting. Enough guildies so it wouldn't ever fail, but enough PuGs to keep it fresh.
Since CitW is the new Shroud, I'm going to post an EH CitW every night at 8:00pm EST. Hopefully they will be quick, fun runs. You don't have to have any experience, but come prepared to contribute: decent build, decent gear, working ED.
If you're new to the raid, please say so. If you need to swap toons for completion, park your completer at the door as you will not be given more than 2min tops to swap toons at the end.
Everyone can use Heroic Commendations, especially as they are featured prominently in upcoming u17 epic upgrades.
Worse come to worst and the party doesn't fill well, I'll just lead a quick EN shortman completion.