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  1. #1
    Lamannia Coordinator
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    Default Epic Gianthold - Adventure Area Quests

    This thread is for the Epic Gianthold Quests available through the Adventure Area: Return to Feast or Famine, Return to the Crucible, Return to Trial by Fire, Return to Cry for Help, Return to Foundation of Discord, and Return to Maze of Madness.

    I would appreciate it if threads discussing a particular quest included that quest name in the Title.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Orc Quest

    It's the only one I've had a chance to do so far.

    In the room outside the orc leader's lair is an orc on a mushroom. There's some sort of force field around him - he can throw spears at you, but you can't touch him.

    Other than that, saw no problems with the quest.

  3. #3
    Community Member MattiG's Avatar
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    Ran an eH crucible yesterday. Everything seemed to function normally. Didn't go back for underwater chest though. I'm sure the new version of epic aquatic bracers will be highly sought after!
    Sicks and Tymn on Orien.

  4. #4
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Default Return to Feast of Famine - Epic Hard

    I've just completed EH feast or famine on my pale master.

    There were issues with the orcs standing around doing nothing for about 3 seconds.

    My dc 42disco ball almost never failed, i'm not really specced for enchantment at all, so i feel that perhaps increasing all mobs will saves by 3 could be in order.

    My dc 45 necro dc's were hit or miss, even against casters, i came into the quest specced for nuking rather than dc's, but i did feel the casters fort saves may have been a touch high, the melee were probably about right.

    I've got 259 standing cold spell power, Draconic incarnations energy burst, virtually oneshotted everything, mob HP could do with a bit of an increase imo.

    I was perm blurred, but I felt the mobs were hitting for too little, (Combat): Wyrm Cult Impaler hit you for a total of 18 points of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Slash damage reduction. I was never at risk of dieing, but I'm also more survivable than most, maybe a 10% boost to mob damage output is in order.

    All in all, i found this quest to be a little too easy, i cleared all side paths, opened every door, had 147 kills, and only used the shrine cause i felt like it, no consumables were used, as torcing was far too viable.

  5. #5
    Community Member Jitty's Avatar
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    Elite quests are far to easy. Fun yes, challenging no. Much easier than elite high road. Hard walk ups seem pretty easy to solo and elites are a challenge to solo but easy with a group.
    Last edited by Jitty; 01-19-2013 at 01:52 AM.
    Tenfour-Dominican-Bashdem-Spielbergo of Orien

  6. #6
    Community Member Ebondevil's Avatar
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    Seems like it's possible to enter the Epic Quests from the Heroic Adventure area, not sure if this is intended or not?

    Additionally I was quite surprised to get some very nice DM narration when in the Heroic Area, narration which seemed to be lacking in the Epic Area, again not sure if intentional or not. I liked it a lot and would be nice to see similar in the Epic area.

  7. #7
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebondevil View Post
    Seems like it's possible to enter the Epic Quests from the Heroic Adventure area, not sure if this is intended or not?

    Additionally I was quite surprised to get some very nice DM narration when in the Heroic Area, narration which seemed to be lacking in the Epic Area, again not sure if intentional or not. I liked it a lot and would be nice to see similar in the Epic area.

    Were you above or below level 20 in the heroic open area? The UI portals for the quests are the same. You can get into the Heroic version from the Epic area and vice versa. However if you are not level 20+ and can still get into the epic version that would be a bug.
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  8. #8
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    Default Aurum Quest

    Just wanted to thank the dev who removed that stupid lightning trap from the door leading to the optional boss.

    I doubt it would bother my toon now, but I remember it wiping most of a lvl 16 party on normal elite ages ago.

    I've now run all the non-flagging quests and saw no problems except for the orc quest issue noted above.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Has anyone mentioned why the Dev's felt it necessary to rename all these quests?
    Why are the Epic GH quests called something different in the pack, when none of the other packs work like this?

    I'm just curious if this is a trend that will continue. If so, Why, since the quests are named differently, are the repetition counters not counted seperately?

    Is this a plan in motion to seperate epic completion counts and heroic completion counts?
    Oh please oh please?
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  10. #10
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    Has anyone mentioned why the Dev's felt it necessary to rename all these quests?
    Why are the Epic GH quests called something different in the pack, when none of the other packs work like this?

    I'm just curious if this is a trend that will continue. If so, Why, since the quests are named differently, are the repetition counters not counted seperately?

    Is this a plan in motion to seperate epic completion counts and heroic completion counts?
    Oh please oh please?
    It's been mentioned, the counters are not separated, I've made a thread on it here already.

  11. #11
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Please consider beefing up the rare encounters (meaning more). One of the reason I like u16 wilderness area is the fact that you can run into so many different rare encounters on a relatively small map.

    Gianthold is massive but fairly barren with mobs and encounters. Sure - more mobs then previously but the massive size of it kind of demand a little more then just one mob encounter after another. Most of the rares seems to be where they always showed up and while there are a few 'wandering' rare they're very sparse. I've scrubbed gianthold several times at most I find the regular squid face and such and then a rare few others in places.

    I did stumble on the green dragon once so that was cool but I can run into the Kings Forest one a lot more often then it appears to be here in Gianthold.

    U16 added something cool; tons of rare encounters. Sometimes you ran into a tree full of spiders more then once, but that's alright. And I even ran into that wiz encounter (with two wizards where one summons a bunch of stuff and then shields himself until you kill them all) two times in one run.

    So please; you can make the dragon ones rare if you want too, but make other small encounters more common. Gianthold is big; and big should encourage discovery and nothing encourage discovery as rare huntin'. Fighting mobs simply gets old. And ty ty ty so much for adding a few shrines here and there. Especially close to Madstone, which benefits players if they want to do the maze walkup or the troll one. Very nice. POP was not the most urgent since you have the discord one nearby, but certainly welcome.

    I hope you consider that for all type of maps and quests. It's always annoying when you have to backtrack in order to shrine up as you clear towards a quest just to have full juice when you step in.

  12. #12
    Community Member Ginarrbrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    Please consider beefing up the rare encounters (meaning more). One of the reason I like u16 wilderness area is the fact that you can run into so many different rare encounters on a relatively small map.

    Gianthold is massive but fairly barren with mobs and encounters. Sure - more mobs then previously but the massive size of it kind of demand a little more then just one mob encounter after another. Most of the rares seems to be where they always showed up and while there are a few 'wandering' rare they're very sparse. I've scrubbed gianthold several times at most I find the regular squid face and such and then a rare few others in places.

    I did stumble on the green dragon once so that was cool but I can run into the Kings Forest one a lot more often then it appears to be here in Gianthold.

    U16 added something cool; tons of rare encounters. Sometimes you ran into a tree full of spiders more then once, but that's alright. And I even ran into that wiz encounter (with two wizards where one summons a bunch of stuff and then shields himself until you kill them all) two times in one run.

    So please; you can make the dragon ones rare if you want too, but make other small encounters more common. Gianthold is big; and big should encourage discovery and nothing encourage discovery as rare huntin'. Fighting mobs simply gets old. And ty ty ty so much for adding a few shrines here and there. Especially close to Madstone, which benefits players if they want to do the maze walkup or the troll one. Very nice. POP was not the most urgent since you have the discord one nearby, but certainly welcome.

    I hope you consider that for all type of maps and quests. It's always annoying when you have to backtrack in order to shrine up as you clear towards a quest just to have full juice when you step in.
    Agreed. This was probably the main reason I loved the high road exploration area. It was very fast-paced and a fairly small map. Epic Gianthold is fun, but almost the opposite of the high road. (as in larger map, a little slower pace) So it'd be even more fun if they added to some more potential spawn points for rare encounters.

    EDIT: this topic probably should have been under the Adventure Area thread, but the point still stands
    Last edited by Ginarrbrik; 02-03-2013 at 02:59 PM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    love the idea.

    +1 agree

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