One Monk To Gimp Them All
Europe Devourer Beta Player
Arise Founder
Daemus, Daemons, Daemonicus Thelanis Server
Weapons are based on the religion in question, not the race. It just so happens that a couple of the religions currently in game are race-specific.
The only race-specific religions in Eberron are for the Drow (Vulkoor), Elves (Undying Court/Keepers of the Past), and Warforged (Lord of Blades). Dwarves tend to worship either the Sovereign Host or the Silver Flame just like the other races (or the Dark Six and Blood of Vol, but they're... you know... evil). Half-orcs tend to be druids more often than anything else.
Now that we have Forgotten Realms as a playable world, of course, it might be that the devs could plan on offering those religions in the future, which would bring some much needed variety to weapon options for divines (the devs could also allow favored weapons for specific deities within the Sovereign Host, or even offer the Kalashtar Path of Light). But until then, we're stuck with what we currently have.
You answered yourself in second part what the devs should do . They should get the deities of FR so it wouldn't pigeon hole the clerics in certain weapons which are useless .
Besides all this talk of lore so many years its not productive when the whole system D&D has been changed and mutated so far that some aspects are not recognizable. We shouldn't favor lore over balance and simple/normal functioning of cleric domains . Horcs , Dwarves and even halfings clerics should have the racial weapons favored as it is normally in deities in other worlds except eberon.
So again functionality over lore is the way to go .
One Monk To Gimp Them All
Europe Devourer Beta Player
Arise Founder
Daemus, Daemons, Daemonicus Thelanis Server
So people are talking still about lore and D&D . When we welcome the THACO change, the enhancement change , the epic destinies addition etc etc in so many years . But for a minor bonus on clerics we should go against of it for the sake of the lore ....
Sorry it doesn't seem logical to me.
One Monk To Gimp Them All
Europe Devourer Beta Player
Arise Founder
Daemus, Daemons, Daemonicus Thelanis Server
One 3rd edition doesn't use THACO
Two Epic Destinies is just an extension of the enhancements system and the new update will likely work similar (minus the twists and the map)
Three Enhancements are a house rule anyways so lore is a non-issue here
Four I never said NO house ruling I just said lore should not be ignored
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Race should not dictate your religion based weapon. No reason a Horc who follows Silver Flame should be using a 2 hander.Yes they certainly need adjustments . Dwarf should have Dwarve nAxe as deity weapon . Horcs should have 2 handed sword or any other 2 handed. Please don't make them useless.
What would be nice is if things like the Sovereign Host were broken into their component deities. The Host itself is longsword, but the individual gods within each have their own. Aureon's favored weapon is a quarterstaff, for example.
What would be really nice would be a deity for each race. A dwarven god who would give axe prof, etc. Then you can go with your own race if you liked, and the SovHost would be available for all races to default to.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
True but most weapons are covered by one deity or another and between Ebberon and FR we have access to most of them
Abbathor NE dagger
Aerdrie Faenya CG quarterstaff
Akadi N a whirlwind/heavy flail
Al'Akbar LG falchion
Allitur LG spear
Angharradh CG long/shortspear
Anhur CG falchion
Annam N unarmed strike
Arawai NG morningstar
Arvoreen LG short sword
Atroa NG sling
Auppenser N kukri
Aureon LN quarterstaff
Auril NE ice axe/battleaxe
Ayailla NG spear
Azor'alq NG scimitar
Azuth LN quarterstaff
Baervan Wildwanderer NG spear
Bahamut LG heavy pick/scimitar/claw
Bahgtru CE spiked gauntlet
Balinor N battleaxe
Bane LE black gauntlet/morningstar
Baravar Cloakshadow NG dagger
Beltar CE unarmed strike/spiked gauntlet
Beory N club
Berei NG sickle
Berronar Truesilver LG heavy mace
Beshaba CE scourge
Bleredd N warhammer
Blibdoolpoolp N slam/shortspear/pincer staff
Boccob N quarterstaff
The Blood of Vol LE dagger
Boldrei LG spear
Bralm LN quarterstaff
Brandobaris N dagger
Callarduran Smoothhands N battleaxe
Celestian N shortspear
Chauntea NG scythe
Clangeddin Silverbeard LG battleaxe
Corellon Larethian CG longsword
The Cults of the Dragon Below NE/* heavy pick
Cyndor LN sling
Cyric CE longsword
Cyrrollalee LG quarterstaff
Daern LN shortspear
Deep Duerra LE battleaxe
Deep Sashelas CG trident
Delleb LG dart
Deneir NG dagger
The Devourer NE trident
Diirinka CE dagger
Dol Arrah LG halberd
Dol Dorn CG longsword
Dugmaren Brightmantle CG short sword
Dumathoin N maul
Eadro N spear/shortspear
Ehlonna NG longsword
Eilistraee CG bastard sword
Eldath NG net
Erevan Ilesere CN short sword
Erythnul CE morningstar
Fenmarel Mestarine CN dagger
Fharlanghn N quarterstaff
Finder Wyvernspur CN bastard sword
Flandal Steelskin NG warhammer
The Fury NE rapier
Gaerdal Ironhand LG warhammer
Garagos CN longsword
Gargauth LE dagger/throwing dagger
Garl Glittergold NG battleaxe
Gelf Darkhearth CN warhammer
Geshtai N spear
Glautru N longsword
The Glutton CE heavy mace
Gond N* warhammer
Gorm Gulthyn LG battleaxe
Great Mother CE bite/greataxe
Grolantor CE club
Grumbar N warhammer
Gruumsh CE spear
Gwaeron Windstrom NG greatsword
Haela Brightaxe CG greatsword
Hanali Celanil CG dagger
Heironeous LG longsword
Helm LN bastard sword
Hextor LE light flail/heavy flail
Hiatea NG spear/shortspear
Hoar LN javelin
Hruggek CE morningstar
Iallanis NG unarmed strike/slam/battleaxe
Ilmater LG unarmed strike
Ilneval NE longsword
Ilsensine LE unarmed strike/tentacle
Incabulos NE quarterstaff
Istishia N warhammer
Istus N dagger/net
Iuz CE greatsword
Jergal LN scythe
Joramy N/NG quarterstaff
Kaelthiere NE spear
The Keeper NE scythe
Kelemvor LN bastard sword
Khalreshaar NG scimitar
Kol Korran N mace
Kord CG greatsword
Kossuth N/LN* spiked chain
Kurtulmak LE spear
Labelas Enoreth CG quarterstaff
Laduguer LE warhammer
Laogzed CE javelin
Lathander NG light/heavy mace
Lirr CG rapier
Llerg CN battleaxe
Lliira CG shuriken
Lolth CE whip
Loviatar LE scourge
Lurue CG shortspear
Luthic NE claw bracer
Maglubiyet NE battleaxe
Malar CE claw bracer
Marthammor Duin NG heavy mace
Mask NE longsword
Mayaheine LG bastard sword + shield/mace/longbow
Memnor NE morningstar
Merrshaulk CE longsword
Mielikki NG scimitar
Milil NG rapier
The Mockery NE kama
Moradin LG warhammer
Mouqol N light crossbow
Mystra NG/LN* shuriken
Nebelun N warhammer
Nerull NE scythe
Nobanion LG heavy pick
Obad-Hai N quarterstaff
Oghma N* longsword
Olidammara CN rapier
Olladra NG sickle
Onatar NG warhammer
Osprem LN trident
Panzuriel NE quarterstaff
The Path of Light LN unarmed strike
Pelor NG mace
Pholtus LG quarterstaff
Procan CN trident
Pyremius NE longsword
Ralishaz CN mace
Rao LG light mace
Red Knight LN longsword
Rill Cleverthrush LN longsword
Rillifane Rallathil CG quarterstaff
Savras LN dagger
Segojan Earthcaller NG heavy mace
Sehanine Moonbow CG quarterstaff
Sekolah LE trident
Selune NG heavy mace
Selvetarm CE heavy mace
Semuanya N greatclub
The Shadow CE quarterstaff
Shar NE chakram
Sharess CG claw bracer
Shargass CE short sword
Sharindlar CG whip
Shaundakul CN greatsword
Sheela Peryroyl N sickle
Shekinester N bite/dagger
Shevarash CN longbow
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand CG heavy flail
Shiallia NG quarterstaff
Siamorphe LN light mace
Silvanus N maul
The Silver Flame LG longbow
Sixin LE short sword
Skerrit NG spear/shortspear
Skoraeus Stonebones N warhammer
Solonor Thelandira CG longbow
Sotillion CG net
St. Cuthbert LN mace
Stronmaus CG warhammer
Sune CG whip
Surtr LE greatsword
Talona CE unarmed strike
Talos CE spear
Telchur CN spear
Tempus CN battleaxe
Thard Harr CG spiked gauntlet
Tharizdun NE dagger
Thrym CE greataxe
Tiamat LE heavy pick
Tiamat LE heavy pick/spear/claw
Torm LG greatsword
Trithereon CG spear
The Traveler CN scimitar
Tymora CG shuriken
Tyr LG longsword
Ubtao N heavy pick
Ulutiu LN harpoon
Umberlee CE trident
The Undying Court NG scimitar
Urbanus NG heavy mace
Urdlen CE claw bracer
Urogalan LN any flail
Uthgar CN* battleaxe
Valkur CG cutlass
Vaprak CE greatclub
Vecna NE dagger
VelsharoonNE quarterstaff
Vergadain N longsword
Waukeen N nunchaku
Wastri LN glaive
Wee Jas LN dagger
Xan Yae N falchion
Yondalla LG short sword
Yurtrus NE unarmed strike
Zarus LE greatsword
Zuoken N unarmed strike/monk weapons
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Here's the breakdown of Eberron deities and their weapons of choice:
The Sovereign Host
- Arawai: Morningstar
- Aureon: Quarterstaff
- Balinor: Battleaxe
- Boldrei: Spear
- Dol Arrah: Halbred
- Dol Dorn: Longsword
- Kol Korran: Mace
- Olladra: Sickle
- Onatar: Warhammer
The Dark Six
- The Devourer: Trident
- The Fury: Rapier
- The Keeper: Scythe
- The Mockery: Kama
- The Shadow: Quarterstaff
- The Traveler: Scimitar
The Silver Flame: Longbow
The Lord of Blades: Greatsword
The Blood of Vol: Dagger
Cults of the Dragon Below: Heavy Pick
The Path of Light: Unarmed Strike
The Path of Inspiration: Flail
The Undying Court: Scimitar
The Keepers of the Past: Double Scimitar
Vulkoor: Short Sword