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  1. #1

    Default U17 epic dragon armors

    The cost to make any set is: 20 flawless [blue/white/black] dragon scales, 10 of each refined relics (these drop in epic gianthold chests), and 3 commendations of heroism

    Feather of Sun noted the dragon armors will get updates on Lama before they hit live.

    Feather of Sun also said the current drop rate of epic scales will remain the same.

    (there is an exhaustive set of Light, Medium, Heavy, Robe, Docent from each trader - I just wall papered a few together).
    Last edited by Gratch; 01-23-2013 at 04:20 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #2


    First of all, thanks for posting.

    Black: Very interesting for a ranged character. That's +2 damage, -15% armor piercing for a total of -40% fortif bypass on a ranged character! Comes down to the proc rate for the relentless fury and if it can stack. Will def. get one of these armors.

    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?

    Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
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  3. #3
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Also, the relic crafted armors are updated. They now come with a level 23 version for 10 epic relics. It's not bad considering. The Epic blue dragon armor is okay; I mean stacking 15 spellpower (since it's relic then I assume it stacks with spionic from the planar). But greater lore, spell pen 9 and potency?

    Oh well. At least it has an augment slot unlike the spiderweb.

  4. #4
    Hero FZTopaz's Avatar
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    I am assuming either the dragonscale helms are the epic versions of the older dragon helms, or this is something new to make with scales?
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  5. #5
    Hero FZTopaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    First of all, thanks for posting.

    Black: Very interesting for a ranged character. That's +2 damage, -15% armor piercing for a total of -40% fortif bypass on a ranged character! Comes down to the proc rate for the relentless fury and if it can stack. Will def. get one of these armors.

    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?
    I can vouch that the non-epic blackscale procs quite often...same with the haste guard.
    Cevon - Nature's Arrow (17 Dru/2 Mnk/1 Wiz HE AA), Shorlong - Pale Master (18 Wiz/2 Monk)
    Gorgnak - Frenzied Barbarian, Krazig - Dark Knight Paladin
    Xanapheia - Fighting Soul (18 FvS/2 Ftr), Addanc - Bearbarian Tank (12 Dru/6 Ftr/2 Brb)
    Thelanis - Leader of The Dark Creed

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?
    Full recipe listed above, but it's 20 Epic Flawless scales for each... no nonepic armor needed. I'd guess the Epic Flawless scales fall in the Epic Tor quest hopefully at higher rates for higher epic difficulties.
    Casual DDOaholic

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    First of all, thanks for posting.

    Black: Very interesting for a ranged character. That's +2 damage, -15% armor piercing for a total of -40% fortif bypass on a ranged character! Comes down to the proc rate for the relentless fury and if it can stack. Will def. get one of these armors.

    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?
    Relentless fury has a 100% proc rate when you kill an enemy of equal or higher level to yourself, with reduced proc rates against lower level enemies.

  8. #8
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    First of all, thanks for posting.

    Black: Very interesting for a ranged character. That's +2 damage, -15% armor piercing for a total of -40% fortif bypass on a ranged character! Comes down to the proc rate for the relentless fury and if it can stack. Will def. get one of these armors.

    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?
    depends if you bother with precision or just use the precise shot stance.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    depends if you bother with precision or just use the precise shot stance.
    Precision stacks with PS stance and IPS stance.

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  10. #10
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    So the question now is, does it look different too, or did they just reuse the same armors?

    Karnasis (Human Wizard, Pale Master, Level 27), Taldall (Half-Orc, Monk- Perpetually abandoned)

  11. #11
    The Hatchery Antiguo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    First of all, thanks for posting.

    Black: Very interesting for a ranged character. That's +2 damage, -15% armor piercing for a total of -40% fortif bypass on a ranged character! Comes down to the proc rate for the relentless fury and if it can stack. Will def. get one of these armors.

    Finally, have you seen how many scales you need for the armors?
    If its the same proc rate as the heroic version, its pretty high.

  12. #12
    Community Member Dolphious's Avatar
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    Black is really the only one that looks interesting at all. I don't have a regular blackscale, does relentless fury stack with itself? If it does that could be pretty sweet, if it doesn't it's still a decent rogue armor for at least situational use against high fort enemies. Not amazing, but decent.

    White is silly. Those AC bonuses just don't mean much, and the protection part is all over the place. Maybe 0.5% more miss chance in EE. 50 stacking HP with the helm is alright I suppose, but the armor itself seems like a joke. Was hopping for +50% exceptional fort and/or a decent PRR bonus.

    Blue has the same arcane lore as the lvl 14 version? I suppose its OK if you actually need everything on it, but I doubt many will. Most casters will already have better lore and better spellpower. Maybe the spellpen will attract some people? Not me...
    Would have liked major lore (at least), and implement bonus to spellpower, and an purple slot so you could slot 114 spellpower if you want. Was secretly hoping for transform kinetic energy, but knew it was probably a pipe dream..
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  13. #13
    Community Member Chronotrip's Avatar
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    Default So whats new?

    Looks like they Hardly even touched the dragon scale armor, mostly just added a set bonus with the Helms. I for one was really looking forward to Epic GH, but if all thats to be had is junk, well looks like its back to the TR grind :/
    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga_Nub View Post
    Things are worth whatever someone will pay for them.

  14. #14
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    Well Tor items/Raid items are being upgraded. I mean the Globe of Imperial Blood becomes an Augment.

    I say that's better than it was.

    Karnasis (Human Wizard, Pale Master, Level 27), Taldall (Half-Orc, Monk- Perpetually abandoned)

  15. #15
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Flavor-wise, I'm surprised these don't have 20% elemental absorb like the Cormyrian ones do. Not a huge deal though.

    A lot of the power of these armors comes from the fact that a blue slot is 14 PRR (if that goes live as-is).
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  16. #16
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Overall, the more I think about it, the more I like this new augment system. These armors, however, need a few buffs.

    I know FoS has said he doesn't like the idea of creating "must have" items (although I really don't understand why not), but a lot of the newer stuff is tetering towards the other side of the spectrum, not "must-have" more like "second-rate-for-every-build".

    Here are a few minor changes that would make these much better:

    Instead of the set bonuses, make those draconic things native to the armor alone, without needing the helm. For all of them, give them +3 caster levels for spell damage and have them add 1d8 weapon damage for their native element type (electric for blue, cold for white, acid for black).

    For the black armor, up the damage more for ranged and thrown weapons, give it something like stacking ranged alacrity 25%, or up the bonus to ranged damage from the non-set bonus to +4 or +5.

    For the white armor, add something else defensive and watery (like grant the slippery mind feat or something else that exists nowhere else) and make it protection +8.

    For the blue, the really problematic one, (meaning gimpy), it should be MAJOR arcane lore, and also something else, like 50-100 STACKING spellpoints (or wizardry 12ish), or up the potency to 100. It also should have some other bonus, perhaps up the max caster levels for all spells by 1. I was really hoping, and I know I am not alone, that this would be THE caster robe in the game, just like the original one was when GH first came out. Even if it is now anathema to have an item be obviously the best item for a specific class or build, as it is now, I cannot see why any caster would even want this in lieu of already existing robes or the ee shadowmail.

    my 2cents

  17. #17
    Community Member susiedupfer's Avatar
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    Not a single item with Divine Lore.
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  18. #18
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by susiedupfer View Post
    Not a single item with Divine Lore.
    Arcane Lore works on all spells, arcane and divine.

    If you're going to make the exact same complaint in multiple threads, please make sure you understand what you're talking about.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Turning Ghostbane into a meme is, in my book, the best thing to happen to DDO in awhile.

  19. #19
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    I wonder if it will be possible to trade in a number of normal dragonscales for a flawless one?

  20. #20
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Said it in the other thread, but it can't be said enough...
    Blue Scale should have Major Lore already. Greater is just not enough to grind for it.
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