I like the build.
I just wanted to point out some thing that a regular arty is better at than the Juggernaut...
It gets to shoot things from a distance better so 1-20 I think it solos better.
At 20-25...LD just seems to be the strongest melee Destiny (though GMoF is a strong choice too).
This is nothing new...yet it is. It is an nigh un-killable toon that can buff others.
I always liked the Tukaw...but every time I started leveling one...I'd be annoyed at level 8 on not having Firewall. Then when it was time to start putting the melee levels in...I just felt an 16Sorc/2Sorc/2Sorc was stronger over all than the Tukaw.
I remember having a discussion with a buddy about his Tukaw vs my WF FVS. My answer was...I can fly and cast Mass Heal. Therefore...I get into any raid I want.
I kinda feel the same about this build. I rather have my 17CLR/2MNK/1FTR LD battle cleric. Because I can Aura Burst and cast mass heal...
BUT in a party with like minded people...this build seems stupidly strong.
Just because it may or may not be for me...does not make it a "bad" build.
It is clearly a beast. Arty has some unique buffs. Arty also gets some bonus feats (that helps a lot IMHO).
Like seriously...if a Bard could be Lawful...16BRD/2MNK/2PLD...that would have been this build in 2009 (Level cap to 20 I think in 2009).
Would be cool if Bard could leverage evasion into a build, and get 2 feats out of it. And obviously...2PLD on a BRD would be easy to get to "untouchable saves".
Anyway...a "Don't Die Button" (quickened heal/reconstruct) is pretty much the only way I can play now lol.