Why are you slotting Fear Immunity? Greater Heroism provides that already.
Likewise, why slot for Deathblock? Visor of the Flesh Render lasts for 11 minutes as a 16 Artificer. In the case of beholders, there's always PLIS.
I don't understand your choice of head gear (+6 WIS of Omniscience).
No 45 HP Shroud item? Even if you don't "need" 45 HP, I'd consider +3 exceptional Reflex and Enervation Guard.
I don't see the draw of EE Livewood Core. Epic Bladesmark Docent for trash and Black Dragon Docent for high fortification mobs/bosses is more optimal.
If you're not gearing Stunning +10 or Exceptional Mastery +5, then what are you taking in place of Stunning Blow?