Like an all together new item or split gloves or something like that
Like an all together new item or split gloves or something like that
How about socks? That would be cool. Im sure those boots chaffe without socks, and they might as well be enchanted socks.
Orien: Mangas Geronimo (Main) Grocery Baggs (Alt) Naiche Geronimo (Alt)
I knew this thread is a few months old, but thougt I'd share this story about a character wearing boots without socks:
I once had a DM tell me my character would get blisters from not wearing socks with her new boots. Character was an elven archer lady who had acquired boots of elven kind, and she'd just escaped from a torture chamber where she had "woken up in a dark room with no possessions whatsoever, except a short green tunic, and no other clothing or equipment of anykind." DM was in a bad mood and was trying to get back for ruining his subplot the weekend before, so after freeing the rest of the party, and locating the hidden treasure room, my character got first pick on loot. She picked the boots of elvenkind, because a) she had no boots and was barefoot b) improved move silently is always handy c) shes an elf, why not have elven boots if available.
DM said she could wear the boots, but that she'd get blisters because the boot leather would rub up against the skin on her bare feet and she would suffer a -1 to Dex. I called B.S. and we found a reference somewhere that said magical garments, including boots, can be worn by most standard sized humanoid PCs. I argued that it made sense that she could wear her boots without socks and still not get blisters, since she was elven they were probably made for her sized feet. I also pointed out that nobody ever heard of socks of elven kind. DM got very "chaffed" at my arguing with him infront of the rest of the group about his arbitrary reading of the rules.
So from then on, I decided that my character (named Sera, pronounced like "Sarah" because I lacked pronunciation imagination) would refuse to wear socks of anykind whatsoever, for as long as she may live (which is a long time for elves), and would thenceforth be known as "Sockless Sera"
"Sockless Sera" continued to terrorize the DM for the rest of the campain that year.
We could always hew closer to the (original) campaign setting of the game:
Eberron Campaign Setting Sourcebook pg 53
Extra Rings [Item Creation Feat]
Your familiarity with forging magic rings allows you to wear two more rings then normal.
Prerequisites: Forge Ring, caster level 12
Benefit: You can wear up to four rings, two on each hand, all all function normally
Normal: Without this feat, you can only wear and use two rings at a time.
DDO Translation:
We don't have item creation feats in DDO, so this would need to be house-ruled, as have many other pen and paper feats to fit into DDO.
I would suggest making it a granted feat for all characters either at level 20, or level 24. I'm not sure if the DDO mechanics can allow for granted feats once epic levels have been taken, however, which is why I suggest it for level 20.
Perhaps make this a Wizard and Artificer feat that can be taken earlier as one of their bonus feats, to reflect their greater affinity for magic and magic items, and auto-granted to all others at 20.
This way, we could allow for aditional slots and still be in keeping with official D&D lore. Bonus points for it being native to Eberron as well.
Most of the items that go into the trinket slot are oficially slotless items (pearls of power, ioun stones etc).
Add another trinket slot at 10th and another at 20th. for only 395tp each....
Nipple rings maybe?
dunno they seem to have all reasonable slots covered.
More rings! I got 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand. Why not wear 10 rings total??? Magical Ear rings anyone?? Nose rings? Nipples, oh wait someone suggested that one already
Toes! I could wear rings on my toes!
wait what if I string a bunch of magic rings on a gold chain and wear that as a necklace???? I bet I could get 50 or 60 rings that way
maybe I have had just had too much caffeine :-)
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
I was going to suggest more rings, but I see Bolo_Grubb has covered that and then some.
Per D&D Rules:
They have just about everything that could/should be worn by a character, what other wearable items are they missing (besides socks)?Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Only a rare few have charges. Anyone can use a ring.
A character can only effectively wear two magic rings. A third magic ring doesn’t work if the wearer is already wearing two magic rings.
magical cod piece?
You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
Thumb rings would work imo. Max number of rings per hand is always 2. This game only lets us have one, but the Lore Of The Game says we can have two, per hand, as long as they do not touch.
Boss of Earth says that piercing the body is another way.
Last edited by Zorth; 01-15-2013 at 11:59 PM.
The Blood of the Red Dragon
In case you missed it the first couple of times, no, it doesn't. Two rings maximum period.
More trinket slots. IIRC, there is no rule that you can only have one ioun stone active at a time. I want a small planetary system orbiting around my cranium.
Also, the torso is supposed to have two slots - one for a (vest, vestment, or shirt) and one for (armor or robe).