Hello Dev Team,
So here's another weird request. I'd appreciate your read and consideration of my concerns if you will. So, here goes nothing... again.
The Problem:
Turning in Marks of the Keeper to Dannato (accessible from speaking to Verisgante in Undead Form) gives a chance at getting Harm Scrolls. They can also drop as a rare scroll from chests. My assertion is the supply does not equal the demand. My PM Wizard, on his 10th (and possibly final) life, turned in Marks of the Keeper stolen from my crafter and got 4 total. I turned in 102 Marks of the Keeper once again to get these. His starting con was 18, which was a choice made exclusively due to this mechanic to reduce the frequency of stat damage. And I am still affected by it often. The mechanism to obtain them requires extended farming or multiple TR runs.
I've intentionally done something I'd never do this life to ensure the ability to make use of them. I dumped Str and put those points into CON/Chr. At level 16 he has 34 UMD without gear swapping. He will be well over 40 by heroic cap and comfortably in the no fail zone. Except, there are practically no scrolls anywhere.
As it stands now, a Divine can purchase an ample supply of heal/restoration/cure/etc scrolls by going to a vendor. Yet an arcane PM cannot purchase Harm Scrolls. WF arcanes can purchase reconstruction scrolls from a vendor as well. There is a definite imbalance at play in terms of the Necro Wizard compared to other Classes/PrC's.
Necro Wizards are primarily dc casters. Stat damage can be situationally crippling if not completely negating the benefits of multiple tr's worth of work. Not having viable choices save dropping form, standing around quaffing Lesser Restore pots/Restoration Scroll/Heal Scroll, and losing significant spell points each time in a reciprocating cycle is pretty darn inconvenient.
Possible Solutions:
1. Allow Necromancers to be affected by restoration effects.
Stopping to drink multiple pots, or building a character to utilize scrolls reliably is deserving in my view of being able to cover their own stat damage. Losing hundreds of sp at a time due to the rate of being affected is unreasonable.
2. Revisit the Circle of Hatred.
This rare item should be allowed to be used by a PM on themselves. It has limited charges and is not overpowered in any way as it its exclusive as well.
3. Make Harm Scrolls available to be purchased
If I can log onto any of my other toons and purchase restoratives, I feel my PM Wizard should be able to as well.
That said, I thank you for the time taken to read my suggestion.