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  1. #1
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Default A good way for turbine to make money and for the rest of us to have fun

    Add storylines. Explained below:

    - You roll an FVS that FVS starts out in PLACE A and his story gradually progresses based on choices he makes. If he chooses OPTION A story goes one way if OPTION B story goes another way. Sort of like mass effect (though I never played mass effect)

    - You gain a special xp bonus for completing quests in you story in that specific order and in that difficulty, sort of like completing the harbor's warehouse chain all on elite, so a chain completion xp bonus and a story based bravery bonus (sort of we'll let the devs decide how much xp is too much)

    - The story will be divided into chapters, at the conclusion of each chapter the character gains a special item or xp. At the end of the story it's self the character gains a very good item(TOD ring maybe) and a ton of xp. (Again we'll let the devs decide how much is too much)

    - In order to continue your story you will need to have the adventure packs in that story line: If your FVS doesn't have the Sentinels of Stormreach adventure pack but needs it to continue his story he either buys the Sentinels of Stormreach or misses out on all the great rewards a complete story arc can get him. (This is a good way for the devs to make some money and sell off adventure packs that most people don't buy)

    - (OPTIONAL) Have story based cut-scenes they don't have to be anything flashy, same quality as the opening movie will do, but nonetheless add some cut-scenes. (This is so the story seems more immersive)
    Last edited by Keylon; 01-14-2013 at 03:28 AM.
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  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Seems very SWToR, to me, and the story lines of ToR held incredibly little interest to me in terms of replay value. Plus, the idea of needing to have content in order to complete the story is repellent to me. Why bother even starting/purchasing such a thing if it's unlikely I'd ever finish it, since there is simply some packs I would not every buy no matter the lure?

    Lastly, I don't think the Dev Team is good enough at this point in the game's life-cycle to pull this off an idea this ambitious in an equally enjoyable, balanced, and problem free manner for all classes. I hate to say it - but that's how I see it.
    Last edited by Memnir; 01-14-2013 at 03:36 AM.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Plus, the idea of needing to have content in order to complete the story is repellent to me. Why bother even starting/purchasing such a thing if it's unlikely I'd ever finish it, since there is simply some packs I would not every buy no matter the lure?
    Partly, because that pack still cost money to make, and chances are there are packs out there that haven't gotten the devs any money back. For example, I bough Threnal so that I could have the mantle and I never plan on buying Delara's Tomb for the VOM or DM's Vision. BUT if suddenly Delara's was the only thing between me and a shiny new toy I'd buy it no questions asked, but maybe that's just me.

    But mostly because this entire story project will have to be financed somehow and one good way is to sell the deadweight adventure packs nobody wants.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    Partly, because that pack still cost money to make, and chances are there are packs out there that haven't gotten the devs any money back. For example, I bough Threnal so that I could have the mantle and I never plan on buying Delara's Tomb for the VOM or DM's Vision. BUT if suddenly Delara's was the only thing between me and a shiny new toy I'd buy it no questions asked, but maybe that's just me.

    But mostly because this entire story project will have to be financed somehow and one good way is to sell the deadweight adventure packs nobody wants.
    Man did you do that backwards =P I can't stand Threnal but love running delara's.

  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charononus View Post
    Man did you do that backwards =P I can't stand Threnal but love running delara's.
    No he didn't - He just used a bad example of a Pack no-one buys: Delera's is possibly the most popular pack in the game {and yes I'm including Vale of Twilight}!

    I'm with him on this one though - I'm VIP but do my best to avoid Delera's as I can't stand it and it's Boring Skeleton Archers!
    On the other hand I really like the idea of Threnal but wish the devs would get around to fixing the issues with it.

    They could start simply by adding the Giant Caves and the Threnal Arena to the Adventure Compendium:
    The Caves could have their favour added at 2/4/6 n/h/e*
    The Arena could have a Favour reward upon Completion of all stages - 21*

    They could work in a Slayer/Explorer/Rare total for the Wilderness - I'd suggest 750 Slayer / 7 Explorers / 4 Rares
    Rares would have to be added in of course:
    1. Owlbear
    2. Umber Hulk
    3. Displacer Beast
    4. Wererat {The Silver Flame missed one}

    *Threnal Favour is messed up anyway - My opinion is that Eastern Excavation favour should be moved to House D.
    Western Excavation to House K.
    Southern Excavation can remain House P.
    Giant Caves should perhaps be Free Agents Favour
    The Arena - House P.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    I would prefer to see a continuation of the main story, the Draconic Prophecy and the return of the Truthful One ending in some epicly epic raid.

  7. #7
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    Partly, because that pack still cost money to make, and chances are there are packs out there that haven't gotten the devs any money back.
    I beg to differ on this.
    Way before the game ever went free-to-play, everyone playing had a subscription and there were no 'packs'. A lot of that content made it into the free-to-play area, and therefore anyone who played before the store ever opened have probably paid the bills and then some on that material.

    Once the store opened, then a pack could truly 'lose' money but I would wager there are enough VIP subscriptions that the cost is pretty well covered by release. The only ones I would say are borderline losing money would be the challenges as I wouldn't imagine they are as popular for free-to-play accounts.

    Back to the original topic:
    The nice thing about this game is that there isn't a defined course you have to take, and that's rather nice. Once upon a time, I played WoW and I felt the whole game was far too linear for my liking. Once you got to a certain level, you had a few choices of what area to go to and basically followed a very linear story once you got there. It was monotony at its finest!
    There are certain quests in this game I simply skip on all characters because I don't want to do them. Being pushed a long a story including those quests isn't going to aid my enjoyment much and might make me skip content that I do enjoy playing.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    Add storylines. Explained below:
    You gain a special xp bonus for completing quests in you story in that specific order and in that difficulty, sort of like completing the harbor's warehouse chain all on elite, so a chain completion xp bonus and a story based bravery bonus (sort of we'll let the devs decide how much xp is too much)
    - The story will be divided into chapters, at the conclusion of each chapter the character gains a special item or xp. At the end of the story it's self the character gains a very good item(TOD ring maybe) and a ton of xp. (Again we'll let the devs decide how much is too much)
    It could be interesting for soloing or static groups, but it will make it even more difficult to PUG. Elite streaks plus the large amount of XP required for the last levels of TR already greatly reduces the number of PUG I want to join (quest one or two levels under mine on elite, or something I already done elite), but adding to it storyline constraints would definitively make me a solo only player.

  9. #9
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glouky View Post
    It could be interesting for soloing or static groups, but it will make it even more difficult to PUG. Elite streaks plus the large amount of XP required for the last levels of TR already greatly reduces the number of PUG I want to join (quest one or two levels under mine on elite, or something I already done elite), but adding to it storyline constraints would definitively make me a solo only player.
    Its not so much a constraint as it is a reward. If a quest isn't part of your story you can do it without worrying about not getting your story reward also when you finish your story you are free to do what you want. Finally, all stories should lead to raids just so you don't get some weird group raid requirements.
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  10. #10
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    Add storylines. Explained below:

    Oh hayell no!!!

    The thing that captured my interest in DDO was the flexible nature of questing. If there was some form of "follow the story of your character" (the process done in MANY other MMO's) I would quit DDO in an instant. As would my entire family (currently 4 accounts, 2 vip and 2 premium with nearly every pack). If I wanted to follow a preset leveling progression I would play console games.

    Not to sound rude, but to the OP, NO. If you want to play that kind of game, go play that kind of game. DDO is NOT that kind of game. I take pride in DDO being a "unique" game. Please do not try to turn it into another MMO clone game.

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  11. #11
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Most games use this in their newbie zones, but then abandon it shortly thereafter in favor of still having a story line but not requiring or favoring doing specific tasks in a linear fashion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  12. #12
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    No thanks. That was one of the worst features in SWtOR.

    Edit: Also a big old honkin NO to more cut scenes! The very few in the game are too many, and the game has enough quests where you have to stand around waiting for people to talk when you should be face-stabbing them. Don't give the Devs any more reason to force their annoying story times on us.
    Last edited by danzig138; 01-16-2013 at 10:59 AM. Reason: Forgot something

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