Add storylines. Explained below:
- You roll an FVS that FVS starts out in PLACE A and his story gradually progresses based on choices he makes. If he chooses OPTION A story goes one way if OPTION B story goes another way. Sort of like mass effect (though I never played mass effect)
- You gain a special xp bonus for completing quests in you story in that specific order and in that difficulty, sort of like completing the harbor's warehouse chain all on elite, so a chain completion xp bonus and a story based bravery bonus (sort of we'll let the devs decide how much xp is too much)
- The story will be divided into chapters, at the conclusion of each chapter the character gains a special item or xp. At the end of the story it's self the character gains a very good item(TOD ring maybe) and a ton of xp. (Again we'll let the devs decide how much is too much)
- In order to continue your story you will need to have the adventure packs in that story line: If your FVS doesn't have the Sentinels of Stormreach adventure pack but needs it to continue his story he either buys the Sentinels of Stormreach or misses out on all the great rewards a complete story arc can get him. (This is a good way for the devs to make some money and sell off adventure packs that most people don't buy)
- (OPTIONAL) Have story based cut-scenes they don't have to be anything flashy, same quality as the opening movie will do, but nonetheless add some cut-scenes. (This is so the story seems more immersive)