Hey guys, can any of the stat/math gurus here help me out with figuring out which would be better DPS wise?
- Unarmed 12 Kensei/7 Rogue (Assassin?)/1 Monk
- Khopesh 12 Kensei/7 Rogue (Assassin?)/1 Monk
- Human
- 16 + 6 levelups + 3 tome + 3 enh + 7 item + 8 surge + 3 insight + 5 primal scream + 1 Exceptional = 52 standard Strength
- Fighter Haste Boost 4 and Human Damage Boost 4
- Power Attack
- Seeker 6
- Black Dragonscale for -10% fort bypass
- Stunned
- Not stunned, no aggro
- Not stunned, with aggro
- No ToD rings I can slot bursts onto yet
- Both using vanilla +5 weapons
---- How will the calcs scale when the +[W] goes up?
---- How will Drow Khopeshes alter the calc?
- Same enhancements, weapon spec on the appropriate weapon as necessary
Probably no need to do a breakdown on different fortifications, as I'd hazard a guess the handwraps would win out on that one at higher fort values, but feel free to add anything of value.
Thanks all