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  1. #1
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    Post Help figuring out DPS calc on Unarmed vs Khopesh Kensei 2

    Hey guys, can any of the stat/math gurus here help me out with figuring out which would be better DPS wise?

    - Unarmed 12 Kensei/7 Rogue (Assassin?)/1 Monk
    - Khopesh 12 Kensei/7 Rogue (Assassin?)/1 Monk

    - Human
    - 16 + 6 levelups + 3 tome + 3 enh + 7 item + 8 surge + 3 insight + 5 primal scream + 1 Exceptional = 52 standard Strength
    - Fighter Haste Boost 4 and Human Damage Boost 4
    - Power Attack
    - Seeker 6
    - Black Dragonscale for -10% fort bypass
    - Stunned
    - Not stunned, no aggro
    - Not stunned, with aggro
    - No ToD rings I can slot bursts onto yet
    - Both using vanilla +5 weapons
    ---- How will the calcs scale when the +[W] goes up?
    ---- How will Drow Khopeshes alter the calc?
    - Same enhancements, weapon spec on the appropriate weapon as necessary

    Probably no need to do a breakdown on different fortifications, as I'd hazard a guess the handwraps would win out on that one at higher fort values, but feel free to add anything of value.

    Thanks all
    Last edited by aradelothion; 01-13-2013 at 08:34 PM.
    Asmodeux | Carollous Magnus | Angeleus Dei | Solkanaar | Damodarius
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  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    If you expect to solo/hireling or otherwise run in groups where CC is at a minimum, the Stunning Fist build wins by a landslide. Kensei 2 stunners are better even than monks at it.

    Outside of that our base is...
    21 Strength bonus
    13 other Damage bonus (PA + enchantment + various fighter)
    10 Seeker
    at least 4d6 and up to an additional 1d6 + 9 (personally I would skip Assassin, so I'll call this 4d6 + 9) sneak attack

    Then we just do critical profile...

    1: miss
    2-16: hit
    17-20: critical hit
    total: 15 + 4 * 3 = 27

    1: miss
    2-18: hit
    19-20: critical hit
    total: 17 + 2 * 2 = 21

    ...and attack speed...

    from zero: (19 * 117.8 + 10 * 86.7) / 30 = 103.5
    with Haste: (19 * 133.3 + 10 * 102.2) / 30 = 118.5
    with Haste and Action Hero: 19 * 133.3 / 20 = 126.6

    (19 * 129.4 + 10 * 93.2) / 30 = 113.0
    (19 * 147.5 + 10 * 111.3) / 30 = 130.5
    19 * 147.5 / 20 = 140.1

    ...because we don't know which situation you're in, we'll just call khopesh X and handwraps 1.1 * X.


    Now we put it together:

    khopesh mainhand
    1 * ((21 + 13) * 27 [base] + 10 * 4 * 3 [seeker] + 23 * 19 [sneak]) * 1.125 [damage boost]
    0.8 * ((10 + 13) * 27 + 10 * 4 * 3 + 23 * 19) * 1.125
    2719.575 damage over 20 swings
    = 2719.575 * X DPS

    unarmed (gets full strength to offhand, so we calculate together, and one lower damage base so we give it -1)
    1.8 * ((21 + 12) * 21 + 10 * 2 * 2 + 23 * 19) * 1.125
    2369.25 damage over 20 swings
    = 2606.175 * X DPS

    With that said, using vanilla weapons is probably unreflective of what you will be using in-game, and is biased against the faster unarmed attack speed. Something as simple as adding Holy would close the gap by about 24, and any additional sneak attack would also favor the latter. Between the small DPS difference and the pronounced stunning advantage, I think you would get more out of the unarmed build overall.


    To your other questions, every unit increase in +[W] is worth a net +1 to the khopesh, as it uses d8 instead of d6. The Drow khopesh additionally increases the critical profile from 27 to 31, so you would replace that as necessary.

  3. #3
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    Awesome reply, exactly what I needed, thanks Kinerd!
    Asmodeux | Carollous Magnus | Angeleus Dei | Solkanaar | Damodarius
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    In my world, everyone's a pony, and we all eat rainbows and pewp butterfiles... of death.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery whomhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Between the small DPS difference and the pronounced stunning advantage, I think you would get more out of the unarmed build overall.
    Very thorough analysis, and instructive as well. +1 for going above and beyond on a great post.

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